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Minister of State Joe McHugh represents Government at Memorial Event for Victims of Sousse Terrorist Attack

Minister of State for the Diaspora and International Development Joe McHugh TD represented the Government today at a special event in Trim, Co. Meath to remember the victims of the June 2015 terrorist attack in Sousse, Tunisia.
Three Irish citizens, Larry and Martina Hayes from Westmeath, and Mrs Lorna Carty from Meath, were killed in the attack along with 35 other tourists, 30 of them British.
The event consisted of a Remembrance Service at St Patrick’s Church in Trim, followed by a reception at nearby hotel.
Speaking at the event, Minister McHugh extended heartfelt sympathies to the Carty and Hayes families.
The Minister went on to say;
“I want to extend deepest sympathy to the families of all of the victims and the strongest possible expression of support and solidarity to them and to those who witnessed and survived the terrible events of that day.
“Brutal attacks like that at Sousse sow fear and prompt revulsion, but they advance no political cause. We condemn in the strongest terms such terrorist attacks wherever they occur and whoever carries them out.”
Minister McHugh said that all Governments must continue to do everything possible to contribute to efforts to achieve stability and peace in the world.
“We will never cease in our efforts to confront those who advocate and engage in terrorism, and we will never stop trying to ensure that no more innocent children, women and men become victims of terrorism.”

Notes for Editors:
On Friday 26 June 2015, three Irish citizens were killed in a mass terrorist shooting in Tunisia: Mrs Lorna Carty from Retaine, Robinstown, Co. Meath and Mr. Larry and Mrs Martina Hayes from Athlone, Co. Westmeath. Thirty eight holidaymakers in total were killed in the attack - 30 British, two Germans, one Belgian, one Portuguese and one Russian - and many more were injured.
Friends and supporters of the Carty and Hayes families organised today’s memorial mass to remember the victims and survivors of the Sousse attack. The event included a display of flags representing the nationality of all the victims, while a candle was lit for each of the 38 people who were killed. Minister of State McHugh hosted a reception after the mass in the Trim Castle Hotel.
David Cooney, Ireland’s Ambassador in Madrid and accredited to Tunisia, also attended the event.