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Minister of State Malcolm Noonan announces grant funding for local peatland community initiatives in 2020

Malcolm Noonan T.D., Minister for Heritage and Electoral Reform today, 4 September, announced that he has approved grant funding of just under €107,000 to eight local community groups and organisations for a variety of projects focused on the conservation and revitalisation of raised bog Special Areas of Conservation, Natural Heritage Areas and other peatland areas.      


Announcing the funding the Minister stated that he was delighted to see the diverse range of initiatives put forward by these active community groups and environmental organisations under the Peatlands Community Engagement Scheme in 2020 during challenging times and had decided to award over double the original allocation of funding of €50,000 after seeing the level of interest in the scheme and the quality of applications.

This funding will support the development, maintenance and upgrading of walking trails and looped walks around bogs in Counties Offaly, Roscommon, Cavan, Galway and Westmeath. It will support a peat carbon project, the installation of signage and way finder makers on bog roads, the production of promotional videos and website creation, the installation of recycled plastic seating and wooden bench seats, a moth trap and arachnid study, the restoration of old bog equipment, the erection of wooden access control gates and waste removal.

Minister Noonan went on to praise the work done on a voluntary basis by local community groups in nature conservation. “During this current pandemic we have seen people reconnecting with nature and the outdoors. It is encouraging to see such sense of place and community spirit and the championing of conservation benefits for their local peatlands,” he said. “Peatlands are a unique habitat that we have in Ireland and play an important role in supporting biodiversity and climate action for the benefit of all. The involvement of local community groups is paramount to biodiversity conservation, and this scheme is a positive example of that.”

Minister Noonan wished to remind local community groups and organisations that the 2021 Peatlands Community Engagement Scheme is open for applications for funding until 20 November 2020.


Editor’s Note:


Grants Awarded -  Peatlands Community Engagement Scheme 2020



Project Location

Description of Project

Grant Awarded

Cloonsellan Abbey Conservation Group

To carry out maintenance work and vegetation control under phase 3 of enhancement work to existing bog road at Clooncraff Bog within Lough Ree Special Area of Conservation and to install way finder markers.  



Galway Telework Co-op Society Ltd

To carry out maintenance work and vegetation control to existing bog road at Carrownagappul Bog Special Area of Conservation



Irish Peatland Conservation Council

To complete “Girley Bog Carbon Project” at Girley Bog Special Area of Conservation/Natural Heritage Area in Co. Meath which incorporates characterising peat stratigraphy and size of carbon sink and monitoring sphagnum transfer restoration plots.


Kilteevan Tidy Towns

To install two plastic seats, reopen a former bog road, complete maintenance work on previously opened old bog road trail, installation of an information sign within Lough Ree SAC and publish a 2021 Cloonlarge Biodiversity Calendar. 


To produce a 10 min promotional video of Killyconny Bog Special Area of Conservation, install 3 bench seats, purchase 1 portable moth trap plus rechargeable litium battery, restore collection of old bog equipment, complete an arachnid study, create a dedicated website along with providing mental wellness experience for mental health student nurses, families and service users and host a raised bog evening talk.



To replace existing wooden trackway with recycled plastic walkway at Killaun Bog looped walk.


Baylin District Development and Residents Group

To restore an existing bog road to a condition suitable for leisure activities, carry out vegetation control, erect wooden access control gates and waste removal.



Gorthaganny Community Development Company Ltd

To carry out additional surfacing on access road within Carrowbehy/ Cahir Bog Special Area of Conservation to ensure that it is suitable for all users.




Further details and the Terms and Conditions of the Scheme are available on the Department’s website (NPWS) at