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Minister of State McHugh launches Tourism Ireland Japanese language website

The Minister for the Diaspora and International Development, Mr. Joe McHugh TD, along with the CEO of Tourism Ireland, Mr. Niall Gibbons, today launched the new Tourism Ireland Japanese language website at the Chester Beatty Library.

The Ambassador of Japan to Ireland, H.E. Mari Miyoshi, and the Ambassador of Ireland to Japan, H.E. Anne Barrington, were also in attendance.

In his remarks at the launch, Minister McHugh said:

“The new Tourism Ireland Japanese language website has been designed to help build greater awareness of Ireland in Japan. In addition to enhancing the overall visibility of Ireland in Japan, it will contribute to a strengthening and deepening of our bilateral relations. In this regard, the launch of the website is very timely as 2017 marks the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Ireland and Japan.

“The Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade has been delighted to support Tourism Ireland on this project, in line with our commitment to raising Ireland’s profile and strengthening our presence across Asia. I look forward to the Department and Tourism Ireland continuing to work closely together in promoting Ireland as a tourism destination, in the Japanese, Asian and global markets.”

In his remarks, Mr. Gibbons said:

“Tourism Ireland was delighted to cooperate with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, with Ambassador Barrington and the Embassy of Ireland in Tokyo in developing the new website, and we are grateful for their support. The new site will undoubtedly help to enhance Ireland’s visibility in Japan and to build greater awareness of all that this island has to offer. Featuring stunning visuals including the Wild Atlantic Way, Ireland’s Ancient East, Northern Ireland, Dublin, Belfast and much more – and highlighting our Star Wars and Game of Thrones connections – the new site will help to enrich the story of the island of Ireland for all who visit it.”

Ambassadors Miyoshi and Barrington also welcomed the development of the new Japanese language website and highlighted the potential for it to raise awareness of Ireland in Japan and to contribute further to strengthening the bilateral relationship between Ireland and Japan.

The new Japanese language website increases to 11 the number of local language versions of Tourism Ireland’s international website,, which is available for 29 individual markets. In 2015, more than 16.6 million unique users visited the site.

The Japanese language version of the website can be found at