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Minister O’Donovan supports Cork Flood Relief Plans

The Minister for the Office of Public Works (OPW), Patrick O’Donovan TD, today visited Cork City where he met with the Lord Mayor and the CEO of Cork City Council to discuss progress on the Lower Lee Flood Relief Scheme.

The Minister also met with delegations from Cork Chamber of Commerce and the Cork Business Association yesterday evening and heard first-hand of the difficulties experienced by businesses facing the threat of flooding. Both organisations, between them representing over a thousand businesses employing tens of thousands of staff, expressed their 100% support for the proposed OPW flood relief scheme.

Accompanied by the Lord Mayor and the CEO of Cork City Council the Minister visited Morrison’s Island, the location of the proposed public realm works planned in conjunction with flood relief measures in this area.

Speaking afterwards, the Minister said,

I am all too aware of the hardship experienced by homeowners and business owners in the event of flooding and have recently met with and spoken with many such individuals during my visits to West Cork following recent flood events. I have seen the photo-montages for how the public realm works will enhance quaysides around Morrison’s Island and have been impressed by how these works will contribute visually to these areas. I want to fully endorse the work of Cork City Council and assure the business representative groups I have met with during my visit that the OPW is fully committed to mitigating flood risk in Cork City through the implementation of the full Lower Lee Flood Relief Scheme.