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Minister O’Gorman appoints new Chair, Deputy Chair and Board member to the Adoption Authority of Ireland.

The Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Dr Roderic O’Gorman TD, has announced the appointment of Ms Orlaith Traynor as the Chairperson of the Board of the Adoption Authority of Ireland.

Ms Traynor is being appointed by the Minister following a selection process managed by the Public Appointments Service and in accordance with the government’s Guidelines on Appointments to State Boards.
Ms Traynor has extensive experience in adoption and family law, and previously served as Deputy Chairperson of the Adoption Authority of Ireland.

The Minister also appointed Mr Sean O’Brien as Deputy Chair. Mr O’Brien also has significant experience of family law, and governance experience as a board member of Youth Theatre Ireland. The Minister also appointed Professor Sheila Greene as an ordinary board member. Professor Greene is an Emeritus Fellow of Trinity College affiliated with the School of Psychology, with extensive experience in child psychology.

Speaking on the appointments, the Minister said:

I am very pleased to appoint Ms Traynor to be the next Chairperson of the Adoption Authority of Ireland. When these posts were advertised by the Public Appointments Service we received a number of extremely strong applications, and I am confident that Ms Traynor will be an excellent Chair of the Authority, at a time of great change in the complex and sensitive area of adoption."

I am also very pleased to be appointing Mr O’Brien and Professor Green to the Board of the Authority. They bring a range of skills and expertise to the Board which will ensure the best outcomes for children and families

I am truly grateful to the outgoing Chairperson, Dr Geoffrey Shannon, who has served as Chair since the foundation of the Authority in 2010. During his time as Chair, Dr Shannon has shown great commitment to the Authority, and to ensuring that the best interests of children are paramount in all of its work. I would like to wish him all the best for the future.”

I would also like to pay tribute to Ms Anne O’Flaherty, who served on the Board of the Authority since 2013. Her commitment to the work of the Authority, along with her experience and expertise in psychology, were much appreciated. I would also like to wish her the best with her future endeavours.

Appointments were made to the Board of the Adoption Authority of Ireland by the Minister pursuant to section 98 of the Adoption Act 2010, following a campaign run by the Public Appointments Service, and in accordance with the Guidelines for Appointments to State Boards.
Four current members of the Adoption Authority of Ireland were re-appointed by the Minister to their current posts on the Board:
• Mr Paul Harrison
• Dr Helen Buckley
• Judge Patrick McMahon
• Dr Margo Anglim
The term of the current board will run from 1st November 2020 to 31st October 2025.