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Minister Ring allocates over €1.5 million to Saint Vincent De Paul and Protestant Aid in 2019

Mr Michael Ring TD, the Minister for Rural and Community Development, today (Monday, 23 December) announced the provision of €1,410,000 and €180,000 respectively to St Vincent De Paul (SVP) and Protestant Aid.

The funding recognises the contribution of these organisations in fighting poverty through the provision of practical assistance to people in need across Ireland.

Minister Ring said:

“SVP and Protestant Aid play in important role in fighting poverty in Ireland. This funding will be used to provide assistance to those most in need in our society during what can be a financially challenging time for families.

“The work of these organisations stretches across the country and attempts to address a wide range of needs within our community, including financial distress caused by, homelessness, unemployment, addiction, physical or mental health and bereavement. These issues form just some of the situations that these organisations encounter every day.

“ SVP and Protestant Aid help the most disadvantaged in society and I am delighted to provide funding to help them, which is consistent with what the Department provided over the last number of years.’’

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVP) was founded in Ireland in 1844. It is one of Ireland's best known and most widely supported organisations of social concern and action with over 11,500 volunteers active in every county in Ireland.

Protestant Aid was established as a charity over 180 years ago to relieve deprivation in Ireland. Protestant Aid treats all genuine calls for help equally, regardless of religious, ethnic or social backgrounds.

This funding is in addition to other supports, provided by the Department of Rural and Community Development, to help the most disadvantaged in society. For example, through the five year €190 million Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme, funding is provided to Local Development Companies across Ireland. This funding allows them to help the most disadvantaged individuals to become ready to avail of mainstream Government services.

The funding provided to SVP and Protestant Aid is intended to compliment this ongoing work by the Department of Rural and Community Development and across Government.

Notes for editors: 

St Vincent de Paul (SVP) has received an annual grant of €1.35m per annum and Protestant Aid (PA) has received €150,000 per annum since 2008. In addition to the annual grant, they also have received a number of additional grants on an exceptional basis, with an additional €90,000 being provided each year since 2015.