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Minister Ring announces over €750,000 capital investment in Killarney National Park for 2016

Minister of State for Regional Economic Development at the Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Mr. Michael Ring TD has today confirmed that over €750,000 of capital investment for Killarney National Park. This figure is in addition to funding already allocated towards the completion and opening of Killarney House and Gardens.
The funding, which is part of the Department's Capital Programme for the National Parks and Wildlife Service, is aimed at priority capital projects identified within the country's 6 National Parks and 80 statutory Nature Reserves.
Over a third of the funding is allocated towards the repair of internal roadways within the National Park, while a fifth of the funding is intended to address the consequences of recent flood damage. Funding is also being made available to ensure that Dinis Cottage can re-open, and to complete a strategic land purchase at Tomies Wood to facilitate access to that side of the National Park.
Speaking today Minister Ring said:
‘While the last few years have been difficult in relation to Exchequer funding, I am delighted that we are in a position to invest further in our natural heritage. This funding by my Department franks the commitment in the Programme for a Partnership Government to enhance supports for rural Ireland. This capital investment in our Killarney National Park helps build on the very important tourist product we have in this country, and in particular in the South West, which will have a knock-on effect by way of increased tourist numbers and revenue for rural areas. It is my intention to continue to invest in our National Parks and Nature Reserves to ensure they remain a vital tourist resource which underpin the economy, both nationally and regionally’.