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Minister Ring publishes ambitious five year strategy to support the community and voluntary sector

Mr Michael Ring TD, the Minister for Rural and Community Development, today (Wednesday, 28 August) published Sustainable, Inclusive and Empowered Communities: A five-year strategy to support the community and voluntary sector in Ireland”.

The strategy sets out how Government will support the sector in the years to come and aims to provide communities with both the means and opportunity to be involved in decisions that affect them, as well as strengthening their representative organisations to facilitate this. It also aims to equip communities directly and through the organisations that support them with the capacity to address the ongoing implications of challenges such as Climate Change and Brexit. 

It was produced in collaboration with the community and voluntary sector and recognises the importance of this sector to a healthy, just and prosperous society. 

Speaking at the launch of the strategy at the F2 Fatima Centre in Dublin 8 today, Minister Ring said:

The aim of this strategy is to create vibrant, sustainable communities that are fully engaged in decision-making and policy implementation processes. It will also seek to strengthen community resilience to ensure that communities and their organisations have the capacity to address the implications of challenges such as Climate Change and Brexit.

Community and voluntary organisations deliver a wide range of services across many sectors in Ireland. In fact, it is difficult to imagine any area of Irish life where they do not have an impact.

These organisations work in, and support, every community. They support children, young people and older people, people with disabilities and medical conditions. They advocate for environmental causes, campaign for social justice and support people experiencing poverty. They support migrants, promote arts and culture and advocate for climate justice.

Referring to his Department’s collaboration with the sector, which was a key part of the strategy development process, the Minister said:

I recognise the value of this type of collaboration and I intend to strengthen this positive working relationship as we begin to implement the actions outlined in the strategy. Taking a lead role, my Department will bring all relevant Government Departments, State Agencies and local government together to work effectively with our community and voluntary colleagues to achieve the objectives detailed in the strategy.

The strategy can be found at the following link:


Notes to editors: 


The strategy details 11 high level objectives with 43 associated actions and sets out a long term vision for communities. It was co-produced by Government, both national and local and the community and voluntary sector. Please see a list of the objectives below:

Objective  1

Strengthen and develop participative approaches to the development of public policy and programming underpinned by an autonomous community and voluntary infrastructure.  

Objective 2

Support and facilitate communities to participate in local development and community development.

Objective 3

Develop and strengthen processes and mechanisms to secure meaningful consultation, inclusion and participation in local, regional and national decision-making structures, particularly by non-engaging and marginalised communities and their representative organisations.

Objective 4

Develop capacity of organisations supporting communities to participate in local development and community development, with a specific focus on marginalised communities.

Objective 5

Supporting commitments in Our Public Service 2020, develop the strategic and operational capacity of Local Community Development Committees (LCDCs), including in coordinating, monitoring and supporting local development and community development.

Objective 6

Strengthen and build understanding and capacity to meet Public Sector Duty obligations in local government and community and voluntary organisations.

Objective 7

Supporting commitments in Our Public Service 2020, continue to develop and strengthen Public Participation Networks as the primary mechanism for communities to engage with local government decision-making.

Objective 8

Strengthen and build understanding and capacity to support the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals National Implementation Plan.

Objective 9

Strengthen the Local Economic and Community Plan process, enhancing community participation in the development and implementation of plans and securing more effective collaboration and partnership working nationally, regionally and locally.

  Objective 10

Support, develop and enhance capacity in the local government sector in community development and local development.

Objective 11

Support community development and local development to engage with Climate Change adaptation and mitigation strategies.