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Minister Ring welcomes joint research agreement between the Department and the ESRI

Mr Michael Ring TD, The Minister for Rural and Community Development, today welcomed the signing of a joint research agreement between the Department of Rural and Community Development (the Department) and the Economic and Social Policy Research Institute (ESRI).

The role of the Department is to support rural and community development in all communities across Ireland. Under this agreement the ESRI will undertake research and analysis which will help inform policy making decisions and build on the work of the Department to date.

Minister Ring said:

I am happy to announce a joint research programme between my Department and the ESRI. My Department’s Statement of Strategy 2017 – 2020 highlights the important contribution that increased research and evaluation can make to ensure that the impact of our work for communities is fully understood.

The Department of Rural and Community Development supports projects and initiatives in communities throughout Ireland. This three year research programme will enable the Department to measure the impact of those supports on the ground. This will help inform how the Department develops its programmes and targets expenditure more effectively into the future.

I look forward to seeing the valuable research which will be produced under this agreement, and its contribution to informing rural and community development policy in Ireland.

ESRI Director, Alan Barrett said:

Under this research programme, the ESRI is looking forward to applying its analytical expertise to assist the Department in its important roles. The regional distribution of economic activity and societal well-being is becoming more prominent in our research agenda, reflecting the stage of Ireland’s economic development and the broader policy context.