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Minister Ross to explore share option for CIÉ workforce

The Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport Mr. Shane Ross T.D. hosted a round-table discussion on public transport policy. This event was convened with a broad range of organisations and individuals who are closely connected with the public transport sector. Participants  had the opportunity to outline their perspectives on key public transport policy issues.

During today’s event the Minister said:

I invited radical, even heretical ideas to progress the fortunes of public transport. I will be happy to entertain the suggestion that the workforce should be given shares or share options in the relevant companies. This might align the interests of passengers, the staff and management. Those who suffered in the downturn could be the first to benefit from any turnaround in the companies’ fortunes.

I am going to ask NewEra to consider the merits of this suggestion.

A range of other measures were proposed which will be considered in detail. Further consultation will now take place with the general public and I welcome all ideas, the more innovative and challenging the better.

Ends Press Office, Department Transport, Tourism and Sport.


Note for Editors:

During 2017, the Minister expressed his willingness to meet all relevant stakeholders to discuss public transport policy once industrial relations disputes were resolved.

Today’s stakeholder round-table dialogue event follows on from that commitment by the Minister.