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Minister Ryan welcomes new pedestrian and cycleway crossing at Dunkettle interchange

Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan, T.D. has today welcomed the opening of new pedestrian and cycleway facilities at Dunkettle Interchange in Cork.

This 1.2km section of shared pedestrian and cycleway has been delivered by Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII), and Cork City and County Councils as part of advance works being undertaken on the Dunkettle Interchange Upgrade Scheme.

This new infrastructure will be made available for use to the public from Monday 16th November 2020 and will provide east to west cycle and pedestrian connectivity that bypasses the Dunkettle Interchange.

This new segregated route links the N8 Lower Glanmire Road with the Glanmire/Richmond Road and continues past the local Gaelscoil, crossing the Cork-Midleton Railway line to ‘Bury’s Bridge’ road via a new dedicated bridge.

Minister Ryan said:

The opening of this pedestrian and cycleway crossing will provide safe and segregated infrastructure for walkers and cyclists at Dunkettle, one of the busiest interchanges in the country. I am delighted that this will open on Monday, and that needs of cyclists and walkers have been prioritised, as we work to alleviate traffic congestion with this major project.

This is a significant milestone, and will eventually link the city with Little Island, Glounthane, and Carrigtwhoill. Our goal is to make it easier for people to choose sustainable transport and this project helps to make that a reality.

Peter Walsh, CEO Transport Infrastructure Ireland said;

We are very pleased that the advance works are delivering a public benefit that will provide a safer route for cyclist and pedestrians to travel across the Dunkettle interchange.

The pedestrian and cycling infrastructure included in the Dunkettle Interchange Upgrade facilitates the broader plans for active travel infrastructure in the Cork Metropolitan area, being advanced with Cork City and County Councils. The Upgrade project will provide the linkage between the following schemes, included in the Cork Cycle Network Plan, and in the Cork Metropolitan Area Transport Study (CMATS)

• Dunkettle to Carrigtohill Greenway
• N8/Tivoli Docks Core Cycle Route
• Glanmire/Ballinglanna Road Widening
• R639 Glanmire Regional Road Cycle Route
• Little Island Transport Strategy

The scheme aims to minimise environmental impacts and improve cycling and pedestrian facilities. The scheme also allows for access to a future railway station in the vicinity and associated park and ride facilities.