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Minister Sherlock meets leading Irish Development NGOs

The Minister of State for Development, Trade Promotion and North South Co-operation, Seán Sherlock, T.D., today met with a delegation of leading development organisations, including Trócaire, Concern Worldwide and Oxfam Ireland.

A range of current pressing issues were discussed at the meeting, including Ireland’s response to humanitarian crises, planning for the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016, outcomes of the COP21 Climate Summit in Paris and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Speaking before the meeting, Minister of State Sherlock commented:

“This has been a year of momentous achievement for the United Nations system. We saw the capacity and, crucially, the will of the UN and its Member States to map out a credible long-term path to sustainable development and set out the means for collective action to combat climate change.

“It is imperative that we continue to invest in the humanitarian responses to enduring conflicts that have torn apart societies and inflicted appalling suffering and displacement.

“Our colleagues in Irish and international development organisations have been with us as these momentous agreements were reached, and Irish Aid will continue to work with them to implement what we have achieved”


Notes to the Editor

The following organisations were present at the meeting with Minister Sherlock today:
Tearfund Ireland
Plan International Ireland
Christian Aid Ireland
Concern Worldwide
Sightsavers Ireland
Oxfam Ireland