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Minister Simon Coveney approves Consular mission to Kabul airport

An Emergency Consular Assistance Team (ECAT) is currently deploying to Hamid Karzai International Airport (HKIA) in Kabul, with a view to assisting the remaining Irish citizens who wish to evacuate from Afghanistan.

10 Irish citizens have already been evacuated through HKIA with the assistance of the Department of Foreign Affairs the Embassy in Abu Dhabi. The balance of citizens that have requested assistance with evacuation comprises mainly of family groups.

The ECAT will consist of officials from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Defence Forces personnel.  This is a consular assistance mission with Defence Forces providing security and support to the consular staff.  

The deployment of the ECAT has been approved by Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Defence Simon Coveney on the joint recommendation of the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Defence.

Minister Coveney said this evening, “Good progress has been made to date in evacuating Irish citizens from Afghanistan. My view is that further progress requires a short deployment of a consular team to HKIA. The security situation for citizens attempting to access to airport remains extremely volatile. Citizens should continue to follow the consular advice given to them directly by our Embassy in Abu Dhabi.” 

Given the complex security environment, no further operational details will be released.

The Consular Section of the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy in Abu Dhabi will continue to provide consular assistance to Irish citizens in Afghanistan who wish to depart, including, as necessary, after air evacuations out of HKIA have concluded.