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Minister welcomes approval for country's largest proposed social and affordable scheme

Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien has today welcomed the granting of full planning permission for 597 new homes at Shanganagh in Co. Dublin.

Welcoming the decision, the Minister said,

The granting of full planning permission is a very significant step forward in advancing this important project and I commend Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council and the Land Development Agency (LDA) for their work.  I have instructed officials in my Department to continue working with DLR and the LDA to progress this significant and important project.

An overriding objective of the Government’s housing policy is to make homes more affordable. 100% of this proposed development is for social and affordable homes making it the country’s largest proposed social and affordable scheme.  It is intended that approximately 34% of this development of 597 homes will be for social housing, 51% will be Cost Rental and 15% will be for affordable purchase.

I am also heartened to see that the development will be one of the largest in Europe to achieve the ‘passive house’ low energy use standard.

I am fully committed to progressing a state-backed affordable home purchase scheme and a Cost Rental scheme which will cater for the affordable homes in developments such as this one.

It is also a priority for my Department to ensure that public lands are used to develop housing. The LDA will have a crucially important and increasing role in the delivery of more affordable homes and as such, the Programme for Government commits to establishing the LDA on a statutory basis as a matter of urgency.

Everyone should have access to good quality housing to purchase or rent at an affordable price, built to a high standard and located close to essential services. This is a key focus for this Government which I will work tirelessly for,

he concluded.