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Minister with Responsibility for Defence, Paul Kehoe, T.D., spends the day with Irish troops on the Golan Heights

Minister Paul Kehoe is spending today on the Golan Heights meeting with troops deployed to the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) ahead of St. Patrick's Day.


Minister Kehoe inspects Honour Guard accompanied by Lt Deirdre Fahy

In his address to Irish troops following a medal ceremony in which medals were presented in recognition of overseas service, the Minister said

“I am truly delighted to be here today. On behalf of myself and the Irish Government, I want to extend my gratitude to you for the tasks you are undertaking here to contribute to the peace and security of the region.

The Minister also met with Major General Francis Vib-Sanziri, Head of Mission and Force Commander, UNDOF and received an update and briefing on the mission. Minister Kehoe assured the Head of Mission that the Irish Government remains strongly committed to the maintenance of peace and security in the Golan Heights.

The Minister had lunch with the Irish troops and went on to say,

“What you do here, on an ongoing basis, turns into reality our words of commitment to peacekeeping and to progress in the region. Your commitment, service and loyalty to the traditions of the Defence Forces on overseas service contribute extensively to the high regard in which Ireland and indeed Irish peacekeepers are held throughout the world.”

In his concluding remarks the Minister wished the members of the 56th Infantry Group a Happy St Patrick’s day and a safe return to families and friends in Ireland.

Minister Kehoe will be attending a St. Patricks Day celebration in the Embassy of Ireland, Tel Aviv later tonight ahead of travelling to Cyprus and Lebanon in the coming days.