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Minister Zappone announces €167,000 in funding to support youth services working with young LGBTI people

  • Capacity Building Initiative funding will support implementation of evidence-based LGBTI+ training, mentoring, coaching and CPD initiatives
  • Capacity Building is a key action under the LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy 2018 – 2020  

Further to the launch of the LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy 2018 – 2020in June 2018, Dr Katherine Zappone, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, is delighted to announce funding under the grant scheme for LGBTI+ Capacity Building initiatives for professional service providers who deal with young people.

This capacity building is a key action under Goal 1 of the Strategy, which is to “create a safe, supportive and inclusive environment for LGBTI+ young people". The objectives and actions associated with this goal will work towards the continued improvement of safe, supportive and inclusive spaces for LGBTI+ young people. This initiative aims to provide funding to implement evidence-based LGBTI+ training, mentoring, coaching, Continuous Professional Development (CPD) initiatives and development of guidelines targeted at professional service providers and youth services.

€167,335 in total will be awarded for funding in 2019, with grants announced under the initiative ranging from approximately €3,000 to €10,000. 29 applications were received in total, of which 25 were eligible for funding1.  

Organisations who will receive funding under this initiative range from youth services, family resource centres, sexual health centres, traveller organisations, art therapy to other organisations with LGBTI+ specific expertise and knowledge.

National organisations who received grants for capacity building initiatives include Foroige, Youth Work Ireland, Macra na Feirme, LGBT Ireland, BelongTo, GOSHH and Trangender Equality Network Ireland (TENI).

Announcing the funding, Minister Zappone said:

This initiative will have a long and wide-ranging impact on the quality of services offered to our young LGBTI+ people, all over the country.  I am delighted at the range and quality of organisations who are developing exciting initiatives under this fund.