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Minister Zappone announces additional €75,989.06 in funding awards to community and voluntary sector organisations

Funding will support 2018 What Works Innovation Fund grantees to finalise their innovative projects supporting children, young people and families

Statement by the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr Katherine Zappone

The Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr Katherine Zappone TD, is pleased to announce additional awards of €75,989.06 to organisations that received funding under the 2018 Innovation Fund. This will support four further existing projects in any outstanding work remaining from their original application in 2018.

The Innovation Fund was launched in April 2018 by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs to test new prevention and early intervention projects. The funding measure is supported through Dormant Accounts Funding and was developed to allow providers within the child and family sectors highlight innovations they are delivering to improve outcomes for children.

In awarding the funding Minister Zappone said:

 I am delighted to announce this funding to further support these projects which through the use of data, evidence and learning in prevention and early intervention approaches, will continue to contribute in making a positive difference to the lives of children and young people living in Ireland.

Successful projects:



2019 Allocation


Youth Work Ireland Tipperary

3D- IT



Migrants Rights Centre Ireland




Rainbows Ireland

Supporting Grief and Loss in Teenagers



Meath Travellers Workshops

Traveller & Youth Community Farm





Tusla, as administrators of this fund, will be in contact with successful applicants to advance the processing of grants.


Note for Editors:

What Works is an initiative designed by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs to ensure those working with children, young people and their families build on the existing body of evidence demonstrating the impact of prevention and early intervention approaches, models and practices on outcomes for children.

What Works focuses on enhancing a number of key areas as they relate to the children’s and youth sectors:

  • Information and Knowledge;
  • Capacity; and
  • Quality in prevention and early intervention policy, service and practice.  

The initiative seeks to secure a return on the investment and impact in the area of prevention and early intervention in Ireland over the past decade. It will do this through resourcing the above areas so that those working with and for children, young people and their families are supported in doing the right things, in the right way and at the right time.

Further information on the What Works initiative can be accessed by visiting