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Minister Zappone appoints Ms. Tanya Ward, Chief Executive of the Children’s Rights Alliance, as Chairperson to the National Advisory Council

Dr. Katherine Zappone T.D., Minister for Children and Youth Affairs has
today announced the appointment of Ms. Tanya Ward as the new Chairperson of
the National Advisory Council.

Ms. Ward who is the Chief Executive of the Children’s Rights Alliance has
been appointed for a term of office from 4th April, 2018 to 31st December,

The National Advisory Council advises the Minister and the Children and
Young people’s Policy Consortium on the implementation of Better Outcomes,
Brighter Futures (the National Policy Framework for Children and Young
People from 2014 – 2020) and its constituent strategies. It has a role in
generating support amongst stakeholders, and provides a forum to support
implementation and addresses challenges in a positive, solution focused

Minister Zappone welcomed the appointment of Ms. Ward stating:

"The appointment of Ms. Ward is an acknowledgement of her outstanding work as a
true champion for children’s rights and as one of Ireland’s leading
advocates for children and young people.

I am delighted that Tanya has agreed to take on this role. Her previous
work as a member on the Council is testament to her passion to improve the
lives of children and young people in Ireland. She has a very influential
voice at national, regional and local level through her work as Chief
Executive of the Children’s Rights Alliance, Ireland’s national umbrella
group for children. Tanya has been behind many landmark victories for
children and has a proven track record to achieve real social change.

Through her prior work on the National Advisory Council, Ms. Ward has shown
that she is capable of leading change to ensure that the commitments
contained in Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures are implemented, thus
ensuring progress is made on the achievement of the five national outcomes
for children and young people to engage, develop and achieve their full
potential. Her work on putting forward solutions to end Child Poverty is of
particular note.

I look forward to engaging further with Tanya through the Council on
important issues such as Child Poverty, Child Homelessness, Children’s
Rights and Equality, Prevention and Early Intervention, Learning and
Development, Brexit and its implications for children and young people and
other important issues.

I would like to wish Tanya well in her role as Chairperson and she has the
full support of both myself and my Department. "

Ms. Ward commented on her appointment by saying:

“I’m delighted to be appointed Chairperson by the Minister for Children and
Youth Affairs, Dr Katherine Zappone. To date the Council has been expertly
chaired by Dr Owen Keenan and I am honoured to continue his excellent work.
It is also a great privilege to work with my fellow colleagues on the
Council who are incredibly dedicated and knowledgeable when it comes to
issues affecting children and young people in Ireland today.

Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures (BOBF) is the most important national
policy for children and young people in Ireland. It is a critical framework
bringing together the state and non-governmental sector to deliver a better
Ireland for children. Not only does it include a commitment to lift over
100,000 children out of consistent poverty, it is also the key to tacking
child homelessness, intervening early in a child’s life before problems
escalate and ensuring children are treated equally in society.

My time as Chairperson is timely as we are at a critical juncture – BOBF is
half way through its life cycle and just two years left to make its vision
a reality. There are still many challenges ahead but I look forward to
working with the Council and all key players to come up with solutions that
can and will truly change children’s lives”.