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Minister Zappone launches the Children and Young People’s Services Committees (CYPSC) Shared Vision, Next Steps 2019 – 2024

20191105 Zappone

CYPSC plan and co-ordinate services for children and young people in every county in Ireland by enhancing interagency co-operation at a local and national level

Shared Vision, Next Steps 2019–2024 provides road map for further development of CYPSC initiative over the next five years

There are 27 CYPSC established nationwide

YPSC are co-funded by DCYA, Tusla and the Healthy Ireland Initiative - total budget for CYPSC in 2019 is €4.6M

The Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr. Katherine Zappone T.D., today launched the Children and Young People’s Services Committees (CYPSC) Shared Vision, Next Steps 2019 - 2024 publication.

CYPSC are a key structure identified by Government to plan and co-ordinate services for children and young people in every county in Ireland. The overall purpose is to improve outcomes for children and young people by enhancing interagency co-operation at a local and national level.

The aim of Shared Vision, Next Steps 2019–2024 is to provide a road map for the further development of the CYPSC initiative over the next five years.  

Shared Vision Next Steps 2019 - 2024 is the successor to the Blueprint for the Development of Children and Young People’s Services Committees 2015 – 2017’.  It takes stock of progress and identifies the most immediate actions which need to be addressed and advanced. This will assist CYPSC to further develop in a strategic, integrated and sustainable manner to support the co-ordination and planning of efficient and effective services for children and young people.

Minister Zappone said:

Children and Young People’s Services Committees (CYPSC) bring together a diverse group of agencies in their local areas to engage in joint planning of services for children and young people.  I see them as a key inter-agency vehicle for the roll-out of initiatives in collaboration with other partners. These efforts are ensuring that our services and supports are planned and coordinated in a way that is responsive and relevant to the needs of our children and young people.  

Through ‘Shared Vision Next Steps 2019 – 2024’, the main focus for CYPSC over the next five years is to build and consolidate on the positive work to date, to  identify  local and national priorities and  to foster further collaboration to effect  change in local communities.  Joined up working and joined up thinking and leadership, both locally and nationally, will be at the forefront of DCYA, CYPSC and Tusla efforts.

Through the actions in ‘Shared Vision, Next Steps 2019 – 2024’, I am confident that both now and in years to come, the impact of these initiatives will be significant, as it will support children and young people, their families, their communities and vulnerable groups who are experiencing difficulties in their lives.

Notes for the Editor:

Children and Young People’s Services Committees

· Children and Young People’s Services Committees (CYPSC) are a key structure identified by Government to plan and co-ordinate services for children and young people in every county in Ireland. The overall purpose is to improve outcomes for children and young people by enhancing interagency co-operation at a local and national level.

· Through their work in local areas, the CYPSC aim to realise the five national outcomes set out in Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures:  The National Policy Framework for Children and Young People (2014 – 2020)’. The Blueprint for the Development of CYPSC (2015 – 2017) formed the basis of a work programme for CYPSC based on policy and strategic direction from DCYA and was revised in 2019 to the new document ‘CYPSC Shared Vision, Next Steps 2019-2024’.

· There are 27 CYPSC established nationwide with 27 Co-ordinators and one National Co-ordinator for CYPSC.

· CYPSC are co- funded by DCYA, Tusla and the Healthy Ireland Initiative via the Department of Health. The total budget for CYPSC in 2019 is €4.6M.

· Each CYPSC prepares a 3-year Children and Young People’s Plan outlining a needs analysis for their area and the priority actions under the Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures five national outcomes, to tackle these needs.

· The national website for CYPSC has been developed as a focal point for information on CYPSC. Shared Vision, Next Steps 2019 - 2024