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Minister Zappone welcomes Independent Review of Governance in Scouting Ireland

The Department of Children and Youth Affairs has today published the report of an independent review into governance in Scouting Ireland by Ms Brigid McManus.  Minister Zappone thanks Ms McManus for her careful work in producing this report and accepts the finding and recommendations therein. 

Ms Brigid McManus had been commissioned by Minister Zappone to conduct a review of the implementation of the recommendations from Jillian van Turnhout’s 2018 Review of Scouting Ireland. 

Ms McManus' report concludes that the recommendations of the 2018 Report have been implemented satisfactorily by Scouting Ireland.  The report also recognises the significant work and organisational effort by all involved in Scouting Ireland in the major changes already made. 

Ms McManus’s report identifies a small number of issues still to be addressed.  These issues include governance changes approved in 2018 which are not yet fully in place, in particular, the wind-down of the Association and the full implementation of the new structure. In this regard the report recommends that Scouting Ireland provide an update on these issues to the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs at the end of September 2020. 

The report has been shared with Scouting Ireland who have welcomed the conclusions. The Board of Scouting Ireland confirmed that they are progressing each of Ms McManus’ recommendations and will be happy to provide an update to the Minister at the end of September as recommended.  A copy of the letter from the CEO of Scouting Ireland to the Minister is attached to this press release.

Minister Zappone expressed satisfaction that Ms McManus’ report provides assurance about the continuing progress in Scouting Ireland’s governance and safeguarding journey, commenting that:

I am grateful to Ms McManus for her careful and diligent work and was pleased to receive this further independent assurance that the governance and safeguarding challenges that Scouting Ireland has faced in the past are now largely addressed, with a commitment to ongoing review and improvement.  I would also like to thank Scouting Ireland for their cooperation with Ms McManus and welcome the positive response to the report from Ms Griffin. 

Finally, I would like to reiterate that the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people is of the highest importance. My officials and I will continue to be vigilant in prioritising this, so that children and young people can enjoy the very many benefits of scouting, whilst at all times being kept safe and protected.

Notes for Editors:

Brigid McManus is a former Secretary-General of the Department of Education and Skills. During her prior civil service career, she held senior posts in the Departments of Finance and of Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands. She has extensive governance experience both in her civil service career and through non-executive Board membership and other work subsequently. Currently she is a Board member of Children's Health Ireland (CHI) and chairs the Board's Governance and Nominations Committee, a member of the Governing Body of National College of Ireland, Chair of the Audit Committee of the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment and Chair of the Health Research Consent Declaration Committee (HRCDC). She holds a Diploma in Company Direction from the Institute of Directors.


Scouting Ireland’s response