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Ministers Hogan and Deenihan announce compensation package for turf-cutters

The Government today (13 April, 2011) has announced details of a compensation package for turf-cutters in sites where continued turf-cutting is no longer possible for reasons of environmental protection.

This follows last week’s announcement by the Government of its decision to establish an independent Peatlands Council, as one of a number of decisions that the Government has made regarding the future management of peatlands in Ireland and, in particular, the  protection of bogs designated as Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Natural Heritage Areas (NHAs).

These decisions aim to respond in a strategic way to the requirements of the EU Habitats Directive which require Ireland to protect and conserve important peatland habitats.

The compensation scheme will apply immediately to turf-cutters on 31 raised bog SACs nominated for designation between 1997 and 1999 (list appended). The effective cessation of turf-cutting on these sites was confirmed by a decision of the previous Government in May 2010 and had immediate effect. Similar measures will apply for a further 24 raised bog Special Areas of Conservation from the end of 2011.

The scheme offers those who had been active turf cutters in these SACs, but who cannot now continue to cut turf, a package that will deliver payments of €1,000 per annum for a maximum of 15 years. As an alternative to financial payments, and where feasible, qualifying turf cutters will be facilitated in relocating to alternative, non-designated sites to continue cutting turf. A pilot project is currently under consideration by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Bord na Móna and turf-cutters on Clara Bog in County Offaly. Should this prove successful it may be used as a template in other locations.

Land owners and turf cutters in the 31 sites will be contacted directly by the Department in the coming weeks outlining details of the compensation scheme and how to apply.

The Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, Mr Phil Hogan T.D. and the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Mr Jimmy Deenihan, T.D. have welcomed the Government decision in regard to the compensation scheme.

“The annuity scheme now being put in place will be available immediately for those on the 31 raised bog SACs where turf cutting was stopped last May. Land owners and turf-cutters in these sites will be contacted directly in the coming weeks informing them of the scheme and how those who wish to be considered for relocation will be dealt with” Minister Hogan said.

“We have legal obligations and there will be immediate consequences if we do not meet them. We have put in place measures to provide compensation for those who cannot cut turf in these sites or to facilitate relocation, where possible, to those who wish to continue turf-cutting. Crucially, we have also put in place significant review and mediation initiatives to help us build a shared understanding of our peatlands over the years ahead.” said Minister Deenihan

In this regard Minister Deenihan was particularly glad to note that Conor Skehan, the Chair of the Peatlands Council had hit the ground running, had been meeting interested groups and individuals over the weekend and would chair the first meeting of the Council this week.