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Ministers for Health and Mental Health announce membership of the National Implementation and Monitoring Committee for ‘Sharing the vision – a Mental Heath Policy for Everyone.’

Ministers for Health and Mental Health announce membership of the National Implementation and Monitoring Committee for ‘Sharing the vision – a Mental Heath Policy for Everyone.’

Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly TD and Minister of State for Mental Health and Older People, Mary Butler TD havetoday announced the membership of the National Implementation and Monitoring Committee (NIMC) Steering Committee to implement the national mental health policy Sharing the Vision – A Mental Health Policy for Everyone.


The NIMC is collectively responsible for driving and overseeing the long-term implementation of Sharing the Vision. The NIMC comprises a Steering Committee, chaired by Mr John Saunders, and an associated Specialist Group Panel. Its first meeting occurred on Friday, December 11th.


Minister Donnelly said: “I welcome the appointment of members to the NIMC Steering Committee and Specialist Group Panel. This is a significant step forward in commencing implementation of Sharing the Vision. At a time when many people are experiencing mental health difficulties in the face of Covid-19, it has never been more important to drive improvement and reform within the mental health sector.”


“I want to also thank my Department and particularly my colleague Minister Butler in ensuring this important milestone today.  Minister Butler is deeply committed to reforming and enhancing our mental health system and has been a key force in driving the establishment of the NIMC.”


Minister Butler said: “The first meeting of the NIMC Steering Committee marks the beginning of a new era in the provision of mental health services in Ireland. I would like to sincerely thank the members of the NIMC Steering Committee and Chair Mr John Saunders, and the members of the NIMC Specialist Group Panel for agreeing to be part of the policy’s implementation process. Through the important work of the NIMC, members will have the opportunity to play a key role in the further development and reconfiguration of Ireland’s mental health system over the next 10 years. I am confident that all members, drawing on their wealth of knowledge and expertise will make a substantial and valuable contribution and I commend them for their commitment to this role.”


Mr John Saunders said: “The membership of the NIMC Steering Committee and Specialist Group Panel represents a broad and diverse spectrum of mental health professionals and advocates, including people with lived experience, all of whom are highly qualified and bring considerable expertise to the NIMC. The ethos of the NIMC will be one of partnership and collaboration, working together with the Department of Health, the HSE and other relevant Government departments and agencies to deliver on the commitments of Sharing the Vision.”


Yvonne O’Neill, Interim National Director of Community Operations, HSE said: “The HSE have been an active and collaborative partner in the Vision for Change Oversight Group that has resulted in the publication of Sharing the Vision. The commitment of the HSE to deliver on implementation of the updated Vision is evidenced by our leadership role for many of the recommendations contained in the policy.  We are keen to support the NIMC and look forward to working with its members, our colleagues from across the HSE as well as our external partners to drive continued reconfiguration and improvement in progressing the policy actions.”


Background Information

Sharing the Vision is Ireland’s ambitious, multifaceted national mental health policy to enhance the provision of mental health services and supports across a broad continuum from mental health promotion to specialist mental delivery during the period 2020-2030. The principal outcomes envisaged by the policy are:

  • the creation of a mental health system that addresses the needs of the population through a focus on the requirements of the individual;
  • the development and delivery of a range of integrated activities to promote positive mental health in the community, specifically through a prioritisation of early intervention and social inclusion;
  • increased participation of service users, families, carers and supporters in the design of mental health services;
  • the enhanced provision of accessible, comprehensive and community-based mental health services; and
  • enhanced capacity of primary care services to respond to mental health need, whereby, specialist mental health services are not required.


The purpose of the NIMC Steering Committee will be to drive reconfiguration, monitor progress against outcomes and deliver on the commitments set out in the Policy.  The Steering Committee will work with partners to evaluate performance, check overall progress and gather information on examples of good practice as informed by national and international research.


The purpose of the NIMC Specialist Group Panel is to provide specialist input at various points in the implementation of the Policy, including being a member of specific themed specialist groups, as envisaged in the Policy.


NIMC Steering Committee Membership

Mr John Saunders (Chair)

Ms Fiona Coyle, Advocacy Expert

Ms Aisling Culhane, Psychiatric Nurse

Ms Kerry Cuskelly, Social Worker

Mr Maurice Dillon, Occupational Therapist

Dr Joseph Duffy, Psychologist and Youth Mental Health Services Lead

Dr Daniel Flynn, Psychologist

Dr Siobhan MacHale, Psychiatrist

Mr Dave Maguire, Department of Health Lead

Mr John Meehan, HSE

Dr Amir Niazi, HSE National Clinical Lead

Dr Brian Osborne, GP

Ms Caroline Pigott, Department of Health Sláintecare Lead

Mr Ian Power, Youth Mental Health Expert

Mr Jim Ryan, HSE

Mr Michael Ryan, HSE Mental Health Engagement

Dr Anne Marie Waldron, Psychiatrist (CAMHS)