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Ministers Harris and Collins meet stakeholders on new five-year plan to reform Apprenticeships

Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Skills Simon Harris, T.D. and Minister of State for Skills and Further Education Niall Collins, T.D. today addressed over 250 stakeholderson the new five-year Action Plan for Apprenticeship.


The event, which was opened by Secretary General Jim Breslin, included a panel discussion with representatives from SOLAS, the Higher Education Authority, Ibec, CIF and ICTU and was attended by participants from across enterprise and the education and training system.


Addressing the event, Minister Harris said: “We share a common goal for apprenticeship to be seen as a path to successful careers, and for these opportunities to be available across all sectors of the economy, in all parts of the country and leading to qualifications at all levels.


We have an ambitious reform plan, which will increase the number of apprentices and make it an attractive option for all.  Employers, unions, industry representatives, learners and education sector stakeholders will be at the heart of the system, while the voice of apprentices themselves will continue to be a central voice.


“By 2025, I look forward to seeing apprenticeship front and central in discussions round the dinner table when people are talking about options for learning, upskilling or reskilling.


“I look forward to seeing an apprentice population which will be more representative of the general population – in terms of gender, socioeconomic background, disability and ethnicity.”


The Action Plan for Apprenticeship 2021-2025 was published by the Department last week and contains ambitious targets to reform the system, including a target to reach 10,000 new registrations every year by 2025 and new financial supports for employers.


Minister Collins added: “Apprenticeship provides a real option for our young people who have been most disenfranchised by Covid-19 measures.  It provides a route to practical qualifications in new and emerging areas and it also provides a route for employers to access motivated and driven staff who are actively engaged with learning, bringing new and innovative ideas to the workplace.


“The Government has set a substantial target of 10,000 new apprentices registering in 2025 and beyond. 


“The number of apprenticeship spaces is directly related to the willingness of employers to engage with the system. 


“I want to ensure that employers and the education and training system are supported to work together to identify and meet the skills required to support the economy into the future.”


The Action Plan for Apprenticeship 2021-2025 is available here and more information on apprenticeships can be found on