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Ministers Harris and Daly announce extension of deadline for submissions to the Public Consultation on Home Care

Minister for Health, Simon Harris, TD, and Minister of State for Mental Health and Older People Jim Daly, TD, today announced an extension to the deadline for submissions to the public consultation on home care services. The new deadline for the public consultation is 6pm on Monday, 2 October, 2017.
The consultation, which was launched on 6 July, is being carried out in order to help inform the development of a new statutory scheme and system of regulation for home care services. The decision to extend the timeframe for making submissions was made following representations from a number of advocacy groups and interested parties.
Speaking today, Minster Daly said “This consultation will allow us to hear the public’s views on what the future home care scheme should look like. I want to give all interested parties every opportunity to participate in the consultation. For that reason, I have taken note of calls from interest groups and agreed to extend the deadline for submissions until 2 October. I encourage everyone with views on home care to make a submission and have their voice heard”.

Two versions of the consultation paper are available – a shorter, easy read version and a more detailed version.
Submissions can be made by:
Completing the consultation online at;
Downloading the consultation paper and returning it by post to the Department; or
Requesting a copy of the consultation paper from the Department and returning it by post.
It is important to note that the consultation paper is just the start of a broader consultation process on home care. The Department will also be consulting by:
Meeting with individuals and groups so they can tell us directly what they think;
Meeting with home care service provider organisations and other organisations that represent people who use home care services so they have the opportunity to put forward their views; and
Asking everyone with an interest in home care services to tell us what they think of our plans when they are developed.
A report of the findings of this consultation process will be published.