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Ministers McHugh, Mitchell O’Connor and Halligan congratulate students receiving Junior Cycle examination results today

 Minister for Education and Skills Joe McHugh T.D., Minister of State for Higher Education Mary Mitchell O’Connor T.D., and Minister of State for Training, Skills, Innovation and Research and Development John Halligan T.D., congratulated students who are receiving their Junior Cycle examination results today (Friday, 04 October).

64,330 students took Junior Cycle examinations in 2019.

Congratulating students, Minister McHugh said:

Congratulations to everyone on your achievements in Junior Cycle and best of luck.

These last few years in school will have given you a solid foundation for your future studies. And it should be remembered that results day is just one day of many in your continuing education.

I would like to thank all the teachers, principals, school staff, the mothers and fathers and guardians who have been a steady hand as young people prepared for their exams.

Minister McHugh also highlighted the benefits the Junior Cycle is bringing to education.

The approach in the Junior Cycle is more engaging for young people and sets the ground for more creativity and critical thinking. It is nurturing minds and making sure young people are better equipped for deeper learning.

New specifications for Science and Business Studies were examined for the first time in 2019.

Next year, students doing Irish, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Visual Art will be examined on the new specifications for these subjects for the first time.

The Junior Cycle puts the student at the centre of the learning process. There is a greater emphasis on project work, group-based learning and achievements in areas other than academic results.

Minister McHugh also noted the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA) which students will receive from their schools. It reflects achievement in the State Examinations along with students’ achievement in Classroom-Based Assessments, short courses, Priority Learning Units and other areas of learning. From 2020, the JCPA will also report on the new area of learning called Wellbeing.

Minister McHugh also expressed his thanks to the State Examinations Commission for their work in ensuring the smooth running of the Junior Cycle examinations and results process.

Minister Mitchell O’Connor congratulated the students and hopes that the students enjoy their celebrations safely with their families and friends.

Today marks an important milestone for students receiving their results. You should all be proud of what you have achieved. For those of you who may be disappointed with your results, remember that you are still only part of the way through your education. There are a range of options and subjects available to you at Senior Cycle.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank principals, teachers, parents, guardians and others who have helped you all achieve your grades today.

Minister Halligan said:

I would like to congratulate all students receiving their results today. We are continuously trying to make improvements for our students, and the range of new ways of assessment reflected in Junior Cycle, classroom based assessments, short course results and access to priority learning units are all ways we are trying to make our education system more flexible and reactive to the needs of students.

Changes at Junior Cycle are well underway, and this September new specifications were introduced in subjects such as Metalwork, Technical Graphics and Religious Education for first year students.