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Ministers Ross and Griffin support calls for strong response by WADA to Russia’s missed deadline

Today, the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Mr. Shane Ross TD, together with Minister of State with responsibility for Sport and Tourism, Mr. Brendan Griffin, lent their support to calls for a strong response to the ongoing Russian doping controversy.

16 countries’ National Anti-Doping Organisations (NDAOs) reacted firmly to news that Russia missed its deadline (of 31 December 2018) for providing critical doping data from the Moscow Laboratory.

The Ministers support the NADOs’ call for WADA to stand firm, enforce the missed deadline and to expedite a decision in this matter.

While WADA has scheduled a Compliance Review Committee (CRC) meeting for 14 & 15 January 2019, NADO Leaders have today called on WADA to arrange the CRC meeting sooner, and as soon as possible, in order to expedite the CRC’s recommendation.

Ministers Ross and Griffin welcome and support the NADOs in their efforts to protect the integrity of sport and the rights of clean athletes.