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Ministers to meet with management of Lakers service next week after fire damage

The Minister for Health Simon Harris and Minister of State with special responsibility for disabilities Finian McGrath are to meet with management of the Lakers Service next week.

Services for more than 400 people with special needs have been suspended due to the damage caused by a fire.

On Friday, Minister Harris met with the management, staff and service users at the premises and offered his support to them .

"This is a very upsetting day for the community, most particularly for the people who rely on this vital service.

"I would encourage anyone who can assist with alternative venues or transport to please contact the local management. This is an incredible organisation. I intend to meet with the management again on Monday to assess the immediate prospects for the facility."

Minister of State with special responsibility for Disabilities Finian McGrath will also meet with management next week to offer his support.

Minister McGrath said this was an essential service for the local community and offered his support to users, staff and management.

"This is an awful tragedy and it is absolutely essential any impact to the service is minimised. I look forward to meeting management next week to discuss these matters."