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Ministers urges people to think carefully before getting a puppy for Christmas

Ministers urges people to think carefully before getting a puppy for Christmas

The Ministers in the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, and the Ministers in the Department of Justice, have also come together to urge anyone thinking of giving a puppy as a present, this Christmas, to think carefully before they do so.

Minister Charlie McConalogue said, ‘’I am urging people should use their heads as well as their hearts if acquiring a puppy this Christmas.  Everyone can play a part in ensuring the welfare of all pets by only buying or adopting from a reputable source. Dogs can make wonderful pets, but sadly, every year, hundreds of puppies end up abandoned or given up to animal charities, especially after Christmas.’’

Minister Helen McEntee said, “I would urge everyone to think carefully before getting a puppy and to seek the advice of an animal care professional when choosing the type of dog to suit your circumstances. If you decide that you can care for a dog for its whole lifetime, be sure to choose a pup from a rehoming charity or from a reputable dog breeder, who will have ensured that their pups are healthy, correctly microchipped and vaccinated. It is an offence to steal a dog, and to sell a dog which has been stolen, and I urge anyone buying a dog to do so from a reputable seller.”

Minister of State Pippa Hackett stated, “whether it is a dog, or any pet, there are many responsibilities, and we should all be aware of that before we take on pet ownership. From microchipping and registration, to vaccination or neutering,  all are essential elements of responsible pet ownership and enhancing pet welfare. I would also like to urge prospective pet owners to consider rehoming or fostering a pet from a reputable animal welfare organisation, and provide a forever home for an unwanted pet this Christmas.” 

Minister of State Martin Heydon added, “Ask for evidence that the seller or supplier of the dog is registered with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine or, if they are a dog breeding establishment, with their Local Authority. Ask to see the certificate of registration of the microchip. Microchipping of all dogs protects the welfare of dogs and assists with speedy identification of lost or stolen  dogs and their owners.”

Minister of State James Browne concluded, “Too often new owners of puppies find their pet has not been properly socialised in their vital early months or they develop health problems because they have not been properly vaccinated. Ask to see the pup in its home environment with its mother, and never buy a puppy from someone who offers to meet you away from the puppy’s home.”