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Ministers welcome publication of the HSE National Service Plan 2017

Minister for Health Simon Harris, Minister for Disability Finian McGrath, Minister for Communities and the National Drugs Strategy Catherine Byrne, Minister for Health Promotion Marcella Corcoran Kennedy and Minister for Mental Health and Older People Helen McEntee have today welcomed the publication of the HSE National Service Plan for 2017.

Welcoming the publication of the plan, Minister for Health, Simon Harris said, “Today’s Service Plan is based on an increased budget of almost €1 billion since last year bringing the total health budget to over €14 billion. This provides us with an opportunity to improve services for our patients and for the Irish public who have made it clear they want to see investment in public services.

“The National Service Plan will deliver on some of my key priorities in 2017. I have provided €20 million to the NTPF to work with the HSE to drive down waiting lists and this will increase to €55 million in 2018. The focus of this will be on reducing the length of time people are waiting for treatment. The €40 million provided for the Winter Initiative in 2016 will continue in 2017 to implement measures to address overcrowding in our emergency departments. I am very conscious of the people who are on trolleys in our hospitals today, especially older people, and of the pressures and stress on staff working in this environment. We have to continue our focussed efforts to address the specific problems that arise in winter but we also have to tackle the bigger issues like staffing both in the long term and with immediate, practical measures now.

“I welcome the announcement today by the HSE of an open recruitment event on the 28th, 29th and 30th of this month for nurses and midwives from all disciplines who are interested in working in the Irish health service. This will target nurses coming home for Christmas and allow walk-in interviews on the day. This will be the first in a series of career day events for nurses throughout 2017.

“The Service Plan is aimed at ensuring we deliver a high quality health service in 2017 for all our citizens, both young and old. Today’s health service faces many challenges, not least those of a growing population and an ageing population. The HSE, with support from my Department, will work hard to meet those challenges and deliver on the promise of a high quality service, accessible to all.”

The Minister of State with Special Responsibility for Disabilities, Minister Finian McGrath said, "I am very pleased that in 2017 the HSE will provide services in line with or in some cases, in excess of the target for services set out for 2016. In addition, I welcome that extra funding secured for disability services will be put to good use in important areas. Additional funding of €10m is being allocated to meet the cost of providing day supports and services for approximately 1,500 young adults with disabilities who will complete their education or life-skills training in 2017. I am also particularly pleased with the specific provision for 185 new emergency residential placements and new home support and in-home respite for 210 additional people who require emergency supports. This is an issue I have consistently highlighted as a priority for me in my role as Minister of State with responsibility in this area.

"My Department is currently preparing legislation to give children in receipt of the Domiciliary Care Allowance (DCA) payment automatic entitlement to a medical card. I am delighted to note that this new legislation will effectively mean that all children in respect of whom a DCA payment is made will automatically qualify for a medical card and, therefore, no longer be subject to the medical cards means test at any point in the future while in receipt of DCA.”

Minister of State for Communities and the National Drugs Strategy, Minister Catherine Byrne, welcoming the publication of the Service Plan, said, "The allocation of an additional €3 million to support drugs initiatives will help improve access to drug treatment services, in particular for those under 18, and will enable the establishment of a pilot supervised injecting facility in Dublin city centre in 2017. This will bring the funding available to the HSE for social inclusion services to over €133m in 2017. A total of €3.5m in funding has been provided in the Service Plan, to enable homeless services initiated in 2016 to be continued and to allow for appropriate lead in-times for the development of new services in 2017 to ensure that the most appropriate primary care and mental health services are provided to those affected by homelessness. This will result in €6m in full year costs in 2018 on health-related actions for the homeless, in fulfilment of the funding commitment in Rebuilding Ireland, the Government's Action Plan for Housing and Homelessness.”

The Minister of State for Mental Health and Older People, Minister Helen McEntee, said, “The Service Plan reflects the high priority this Government is according to the ongoing development of our Mental Health Services, as shown by the development funding allocated in 2016 and the additional new development funding of €35 million to be initiated in 2017, for both new and ongoing expansion of existing services. Priorities in 2017 include improved 7-day response in mental health services, expanded out-of-hours and liaison services for both adult and children, and increased forensic in-reach into prisons. However, as funding needs to be phased in, I am commencing with an allocation of €15 million in 2017, rising to €35 million funding in 2018. By phasing in funding in this way, the HSE will also be able to plan for further expansion of general adult, and child & adolescent community services from 2017 onwards.

"Home care services are critical to enable older people to stay in their own homes and maintain their independence for as long as possible. Considerable progress was made during 2016 in expanding home care services. The HSE will continue to support older people in their own homes and communities as well as providing enhanced services and transitional care resources to support acute hospital discharge. There will, of course, always be a cohort of people who require long term residential care. This must continue to be available for those who need it. In that respect, I am pleased that with a budget of €940m for the Nursing Homes Support Scheme in 2017, we will be able to achieve this."

Welcoming the Service Plan, the Minister of State for Health Promotion, Marcella Corcoran Kennedy said, “I'm pleased that the Service Plan reflects the important role the HSE plays in implementing Healthy Ireland.
“I am particularly pleased with the commitments on Healthy Eating and Active Living, which have a greater emphasis on prevention and care which are key aspects of our new obesity policy 'A Healthy Weight for Ireland'.

“I welcome the plans to progress key actions in relation to sexual health, to drive uptake of screening and vaccination programmes including the new infant vaccination programmes for rotavirus and meningococcal B, and to prepare for enforcement of the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill.

The development of a Healthy Ireland plan in each hospital group and CHO, coupled with supporting staff health and wellbeing, means the HSE will be well placed to continue its leadership role in protecting the public from threats to health and wellbeing, as well as partnering with other stakeholders to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequalities across our population."