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Minitser Naughten tells EU Energy Ministers that Europe must become self-sufficient on renewable energy

Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment Denis Naughten has called on his EU colleagues to become as ‘self-sufficient as possible in terms of energy‘ with the primary focus on renewable energy and driving energy efficiency. Minister Naughten is in Luxembourg today for a meeting of European Energy Ministers.

In his address to the European Council Minister Naughten said this renewed focus is not just necessary to meet our climate targets but from an economic perspective it will ensure EU economies will grow in a ‘long term sustainable manner‘.

“Presently we see the Eurozone economy beginning to slow down as a direct result of rising oil prices. We must decouple economic growth from oil availability and price. Using renewable energy and improving the efficient use of energy across our economies releases the EU from the constraining impact of fossil fuels,”

stated Minister Naughten.

The Minister emphasised the need for the EU to become self-sufficient in the production of biofuels.

“We cannot replace imported oil with unsustainable imported palm oil, this undermines our long term economic sustainability as well as transferring emissions to another part of the globe. We must bring renewed focus to the development of second generation biofuels which are based on waste streams, thereby having a double impact on our environment,”

stated Minister Naughten.

Speaking today from Luxembourg Minister Naughten also supported measures to drive greater use of electricity in road transport and better mechanisms to install renewables on buildings to support micro-generation and self-consumption by families and businesses.
