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Naughten allocates €884,000 to tackle litter, dog fouling and graffiti

The Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Denis Naughten T.D. has today (26th April) announced the allocation of €884,000 from the Environment Fund to 31 Local Authorities under the 2018 Anti-Litter and Anti-Graffiti Awareness Grant Scheme (ALAGS).

The Scheme provides funding to local authorities to conduct public awareness and education campaigns at a community level targeting litter, dog fouling and graffiti. Each local authority is responsible for selecting the suitable awareness projects that receive funding. Today’s allocation of €884,000 brings the total grants provided under this Scheme over the last 10 years to almost €15 million.

Minister Naughten stated:

I am pleased to announce the allocation of €884,000 under the 2018 Anti-Litter Anti-Graffiti Awareness Grant Scheme (ALAGS). Last year, I increased funding for ALAGS by 28% and this level of funding for the programme is being maintained this year. Local authorities use this funding to raise awareness and encourage behavioural change to tackle graffiti and littering of all types, including gum, cigarette butts and dog fouling, which is a particular bugbear of mine. Dog fouling is perhaps the most intrusive type of litter and a constant source of annoyance for us all on our streets, in our parks and on our beaches. I welcome any initiatives that will increase awareness of this nuisance litter and the many public health risks, particularly for children, that is associated with dog owners not picking up their dog’s waste. 
Littering is environmental sabotage but money alone cannot solve our litter problems. It takes a behavioural change across the board and I am confident the awareness campaigns that will be funded through this scheme at community level throughout the country will have a real impact. It’s hugely important for me to support and assist community effort with significant funding and recognition. I want to pay tribute to the passion, energy and dedication of local community and voluntary groups, schoolchildren and teachers who are taking their civic responsibilities seriously every single day through the many anti-litter initiatives that they drive across the country for the preservation of our environment.
2018 marks the 20th anniversary of the National Spring Clean (NSC) which is organised and run by An Taisce and co-financed by my Department. NSC is currently running for the month of April across the country,

concluded Minister Naughten.