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New appointment system aimed at cutting queues at Passport Office

The Passport Service has launched a pilot scheme aimed at cutting waiting times at the Passport Office in Molesworth Street in Dublin.

Currently, the cheapest and most efficient way to lodge a passport application is through Passport Express (a joint venture with An Post.) Customers applying through Passport Express are given a commitment that, where the application is properly completed, a passport will be produced within ten working days.

However, it is sometimes necessary to travel at short notice for a wide variety of reasons. As of yesterday, people in need of passports who need to travel within 10 days can now make an appointment with the Passport Office to lodge their passport application at a time that suits them.

To make an appointment log on to

This is a pilot programme that will run for three months and during that time feedback will be sought in the Passport Office and on Twitter @DFATravel. Any feedback provided will be used to tweak the system as necessary to provide the maximum benefit to the public.

Counter opening hours will be extended and appointments will be available between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday.