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New SFI Head to drive economic impact from research investments

Minister Sherlock welcomes appointment of New Director General at Science Foundation Ireland

The Minister for Research and Innovation, Seán Sherlock T.D., today (Monday) welcomed the announcement of the appointment of Professor Mark Ferguson, a renowned scientist and innovator, as Director General of Science Foundation Ireland.

Minister Sherlock said: "I am delighted that Ireland has secured someone of the proven calibre of Professor Ferguson, both in terms of his scientific research capacity and extensive commercialisation experience."

"He takes up his role as SFI Director General at both a critical and opportune time. Ireland has built a strong science base and Professor Ferguson’s challenge will be to accelerate the translation of SFI’s investments into economic impact and commercialisation opportunities."

"His wealth of experience in the life sciences, biotechnology and enterprise arenas make him an ideal figure to lead such a pivotal organisation as SFI and forge even closer ties between Irish based researchers and industry."

"Attracting someone of Professor Ferguson’s calibre to Ireland represents a tremendous coup".

"I now look forward to working closely with Professor Ferguson and SFI to further enhancing Ireland’s research and commercialisation credentials at home and abroad", Minister Sherlock concluded

In addition to a stellar academic career Professor Ferguson has been a leader in company incubation in Manchester and is a co-founder of Renovo, a biotechnology company developing novel pharmaceutical therapies.

Born in Northern Ireland, Professor Ferguson is a graduate of Queens University of Belfast with degrees in Dentistry (BDS 1st class honours), Anatomy and Embryology (BSc 1st class honours, PhD) and Medical Sciences (DMedSc). He holds Fellowships from the Royal Colleges of Surgeons in Ireland (FFD) and Edinburgh (FDS) and is a Founding Fellow of the UK Academy of Medical Sciences (FMedSci).

Prof. Mark Ferguson was appointed Professor in Life Sciences at the University of Manchester in 1984, at the age of just 28. He is current Honorary Professor of Life Sciences at the University. He is the recipient of numerous international awards, prizes, medals and honours for his research including a CBE from Queen Elizabeth in 1999 for services to Health and Life Sciences.

Prof. Ferguson will take up his position as Director General of Science Foundation Ireland on Monday 16th January 2012.