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New Medium Term Strategy for the Irish Government Economic and Evaluation Service - Donohoe

New Strategy marks next phase of Govt Service to enhance economic evaluation and deliver taxpayers’ value for money

A new Medium Term Strategy for the Irish Government Economic and Evaluation Service (IGEES) was launched this morning. The strategy marks the next phase of development for IGEES, which is a cross-Departmental economic and evaluation service that produces analysis and assessments within Government Departments.

IGEES is an integrated cross-Government service, the aim of which is to enhance the role of economics and value for money analysis in public policy making. Established in 2012, the Service demonstrates the Government’s strong commitment to a high and consistent standard of policy evaluation and economic analysis throughout the civil service.

In that regard, IGEES has an important role to play in the reform and strengthening of the civil service and in supporting the Government in progressing major cross-cutting policy challenges, such as economic growth, social inclusion, enhanced service delivery and policy design.

Since its establishment, the Service has published numerous reports and papers in a variety of policy areas reflecting its cross-Departmental nature. The new Medium Term Strategy, which covers the period between 2016 and 2019, sets out the future development of the IGEES in terms of capacity building, output, impact and communications.

Commenting on the launch of the IGEES Medium Term Strategy, Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Paschal Donohoe TD, said: ‘The development of IGEES since its launch in 2012 has increased the level of analysis and evidence being produced, and utilised, across Government Departments. Within a challenging policy environment, it is critical that the decisions we make are framed and informed by good analysis and data so that the right decisions are made and value for taxpayers’ money is delivered’.

“The launch of the Medium Term Strategy for the IGEES, which will guide the development of the Service over the next three years, is indicative of the Government’s commitment to an evidenced based approach to policy, which is in the interest of all of our citizens. It also demonstrates a willingness to further enhance the capacity and reform of our civil service, making it work better for those work in it and also those who depend on it’.

Notes to editor:
§ The Irish Government Economic and Evaluation Service (IGEES) was set up in 2012 as a cross-Departmental resource in the area of economic analysis and evaluation.
§ There are now approximately 80 staff working within the IGEES, who are based within each Government department.
§ While centrally coordinated and led by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, IGEES staff within Departments produce work in line with the requirements and business plans of their host Department.
§ Recruitment, learning and development and corporate governance are managed by the DPER IGEES Unit in the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.
§ The IGEES website ( hosts published IGEES reports and analysis from across Departments.