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Oireachtas Childcare Report ‘important contribution to national debate’ Accessible affordable quality childcare should be goal of every politician

Changing one of the most expensive childcare systems in the world into the best is not easy – but we are taking the first big step, according to the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr Katherine Zappone.

Welcoming the publication of a report on childcare by the Oireachtas Committee on Children and Youth Affairs, Minister Zappone said it is ‘an important contribution to the national debate as Ireland moves towards accessible affordable quality childcare’.

Minister Zappone says the first step will see up to 70,000 children receive extra supports from September.

The Children’s Minister added: “Our childcare goals are ambitious. They have to be as we are correcting years of under-investment by successive Governments.

Our radical new approach to childcare starts in September with the extra supports for families. However this is just the beginning.

The findings by the Oireachtas Committee also highlight the genuine concerns of those working in the sector surrounding pay and conditions.

I am very conscious of these issues and have taken direct action including:

· €18m in funding for providers this year in recognition of the administrative burden they face
· Doubling of capital funding to €8.4m
· The continuing work of the first ever National Early Years Forum established last September

In addition earlier this month I confirmed that the Department of Children and Youth Affairs will co-operate fully with any Sectoral Employment Order by the Labour Court or Labour Relations Commission into pay and conditions within childcare.

There is much work to be done and it will require even greater investment and as Minister I will play my part in making this happen.”