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Over 15,000 New Parents have availed of Parent’s Benefit since its Introduction

  • Parent’s Benefit will be increased by 3 weeks for each parent from 2 to 5 in 2021
  • Minister Humphreys encourages new parents to avail of the paid leave

Since its introduction in November 2019, the Department of Social Protection’s Parent’s Benefit is proving to be a popular scheme for new parents with over 15,000 people having availed of the two week payment since November 2019.

The first 10 months of the scheme saw 10,000 parents avail of the payment while in October and November half as many again applied. All of these parents will qualify for the further 3 weeks payment in 2021 following the measure announced in Budget 2021 being provided for in legislation. 

It is estimated that the increasing Parent’s Benefit by 3 weeks will benefit up to 30,000 parents at a cost of €22 million in 2021.

Social Protection Minister Heather Humphreys urges new parents to avail of the paid leave:

“I am delighted that the recently introduced Parent’s Benefit is proving so popular. This scheme is not just good for mums and dads but improves the quality of life for all the family. I would encourage working parents, both employees and self-employed who are expecting or adopting a new baby to avail of their PRSI and to take their parent’s leave.”

As part of Budget 2021, Parent’s Leave will be increased from 2 weeks to 5 weeks per parent in respect of children born on or after 1st November 2019. The period during which this leave can be taken has been extended from 12 to 24 months so it can be taken up to a child's second birthday or within two years following adoption.  This measure will be available from April 2021 as it requires primary legislation to commence the extension of the parent’s leave and the development of the IT system to process the benefit.

Minister Humphreys commented:

“I am delighted that the Government was in a position to extend Parents Leave by 3 weeks from 2 to 5. This is an area that I have worked closely on with my Cabinet colleague Roderic O’Gorman, whose department has responsibility for the legislation which effect to the measure. This extension will apply retrospectively meaning every parent who has already availed of the 2 weeks leave will be able to take an extra 3 weeks paid parental leave in 2021.

“This Government is committed to ensuring every child gets the best possible start in life, and supporting parents to spend more time with their kids is essential to that. The first 24 months are particularly formative for a child and the benefit of allowing parent’s greater time with a new baby will be beneficial to individual children, families and society as a whole.”


Further information

Parent’s Benefit is a social welfare payment available for employed and self-employed people who take parent’s leave from work and are covered by pay related social insurance (PRSI) contributions. The scheme is available to employees paying PRSI class A, B, C, D, E, and H and to self-employed people paying PRSI class S.

It is available for any child born or adopted on or after 1st November 2019.

Currently, Parent’s Benefit can be paid for either two consecutive weeks or two separate weeks within the first year of a child’s life.

This is in addition to Maternity Benefit and Paternity Benefit payments.

Parents Benefit will increase in 2021 from 2 weeks to 5 weeks for each parent. The period it can be taken has been extended up to a child's second birthday, or within two years following adoption placement. Parents can take 5 weeks together or take separate weeks of leave.