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Oversight Review to commence

Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Shane Ross, today announced details of the independent review of Search and Rescue (SAR) oversight recommended in the interim statement by the Air Accident Investigation Unit on their on-going investigation into the tragic loss of Coast Guard Rescue 116 and its crew in March 2017. 

The AAIU report called for a thorough review of the current arrangements in place to oversee SAR aviation operations in Ireland. This will be conducted by an independent team of experts over the coming months. The team I have appointed will be led by Professor Jules Kneepkens who brings vast experience in the international regulatory field. His team also includes a blend of SAR operational and ICAO audit expertise – all of which should ensure the review meets the requirements of the AAIU’s recommendation.

The aim of the review is ultimately to ensure that Ireland ‘s arrangements in this regard are sufficiently robust and measure up to international best practice models.

Minister Ross added:

As well as the independent review team, I am delighted that a number of other Coast Guards have offered to assist in the review process, thereby bringing a variety of international insights and experience to the final report and recommendations. I believe this is a reflection of the level of interest internationally in learning lessons at all levels from this tragic accident.

The terms of reference agreed by the Minister for the review will take account of the various findings made in the AAIU’s interim statement in relation to oversight. It will examine practices and procedures within the various entities involved in SAR aviation oversight. It will also identify any gaps or lack of clarity in terms of roles, legal vires, processes, training, resources and/or personnel within these organisations to carry out their oversight of SAR aviation operations. It will then make recommendations on practical measures to address these to ensure oversight arrangements for SAR aviation operations in Ireland measure up to international best practice in terms of effectiveness, continuity, comprehensiveness and independence. A number of other Coast Guards have offered to assist in the process and this will ensure a wide variety of international experience and insights are brought to the review.

Minister concluded:

The early appointment of Professor Jules Kneepkens and his team will enable me to report good progress to the AAIU by mid-June (which is the next reporting milestone for the various safety recommendations in their on-going investigation). I am confident that we will have a final report by end of July which can chart a way forward for SAR oversight in Ireland.