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Passport Service urges parents to check validity of children’s travel documents

The Passport Service cautions parents that some European countries no longer permit children travelling on a parent’s passport. This follows a change in policy in some European countries. Therefore the Passport Service urges parents with their children named on their Irish passports to check with the Embassy of the country to which they are travelling to ensure they will be allowed to enter the country.

As of 1 October, 2004, in line with best international practice, the Passport Service ceased the practice of including children on their parents' passports. This was to increase the security of international travel for children and reduce the risk of kidnapping and child trafficking. However, there are still some valid Irish passports in use across the world with children under-16 included.

If a new passport is required, families are strongly recommended to apply in plenty of time in advance of planned travel. A full list of Embassies accredited to Ireland and their contact details can be found on our website –