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Progress on eel fishermen support scheme as consultation with Revenue begins

Seán Kyne, Minister of State at the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment with responsibility for Natural Resources and Inland Fisheries has confirmed that his department is proceeding with the introduction of a support scheme for former eel fishermen. Minister Kyne was speaking during a commencement debate on the matter in the Seanad this afternoon.

Commented Minister Kyne:

My Department has notified the European Commission of our intention to fund a support scheme for former eel fishermen who were impacted by the European-wide conversation measures necessitated by the serious decline in eel stocks a decade ago.

The latest scientific advice to my Department from the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas confirms that the status of the eel remains critical and that all activity regarding silver eels, such as fishing, be kept as close to zero as possible.

Minister Denis Naughten and I fully understand and recognise the difficulties that the conservation measures resulted in and we have worked to progress the issue of support measures and have secured funding for such a measure.

The European Commission has been notified of our intention to proceed with the support scheme and consultation with the Revenue Commissioners has started this week.