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Public Consultation Period for Planned Works at Moore St National Monument Extended to 24 April 2013

The Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht has extended the closing date for public comments on the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) relating to proposed works at the national monument at Nos. 14-17 Moore Street, Dublin 1. No 16 Moore Street was the final headquarters of the Leaders of the 1916 Rising.

The original newspaper notice about the submission of the EIS, published on 18 January 2013, did not provide adequate information and the owners of the national monument were required to publish a fresh notice. The revised notice was published on 21 March 2013 and the consultation period has been extended for a further 5 weeks from that date.

The EIS was submitted on behalf of Chartered Land Ltd. (owners of the Carlton Cinema site, which also includes the national monument at Moore Street) in connection with their application for Ministerial consent for works associated with the provision of a commemorative centre to the 1916 Rising in the existing buildings at Nos. 14-17 Moore Street where the last military actions of the leaders of the rebellion took place. The Department ruled that the original newspaper notice did not give adequate details of the demolition works that will need to take place.

Submissions or observations in relation to the EIS may now be lodged with the Department up to Wednesday, 24 April 2013. The EIS may be inspected at the Department’s offices in the Custom House, Dublin 1, and at Dublin City Council’s Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.

Nos. 14-17 Moore Street are protected by a Preservation Order and, as a result, the Minister’s consent is required under the National Monuments Acts for any works that might have an effect on the site.