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Public consultation launched on the role of voluntary organisations in publicly funded health and personal social services

On behalf of the Independent Review Group established to examine the role of voluntary organisations in publicly funded health and personal social services, the Department of Health has launched a public consultation today (26th March).

Responses to the consultation will help the Independent Review Group to examine how the relationship between the State and voluntary organisations in the area of health and social care should evolve in the future.

Dr Catherine Day, Chair of the Independent Review Group, said

“The consultation launched today seeks views on the value of the voluntary sector and how to preserve this added value in the future, against a background of changes in Irish society and evolving expectations of how health and personal social care are delivered. It invites comments on a wide range of specific issues which have been raised with us since we began our work last August. I hope many of those interested in these questions will take the time to respond to the consultation and help us to complete our review.”

The consultation is open until 4th May and the Review Group is very keen to hear the public’s views.

Commenting on the launch, Minister Harris said

“Voluntary and non-statutory providers, including religious and faith based organisations, have made an enormous contribution to the provision of health and personal social services in Ireland over the centuries. I welcome the launch of this public consultation as it affords the many interested parties an opportunity to have a say on current and future arrangements between voluntary organisations and the State. I would encourage anyone with an interest to respond to the consultation and I am very much looking forward to receiving the recommendations of the Independent Review Group later this year.”