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Publication by Central Statistics Office of Recorded Crime Statistics for 2013

Speaking today on the publication of the Central Statistics Office recorded crime statistics for 2013, the Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Alan Shatter TD, welcomed the fact that crime is continuing to fall across most crime categories, with a total reduction of more than 16,000 crimes over 2012.

The CSO figures show reductions in 11 out of the 14 categories for which figures are given, and an overall reduction in crime of 6.6% (245,425 in 2012 to 229,308 in 2013).

Burglary continues to fall, down 7.2% over 2012, building on earlier reductions, and providing definitive evidence that the Garda operations to confront the gangs involved in this type of crime are succeeding. “It is clear from the many arrests and prosecutions under Operation Fiacla that the criminals preying on householders are coming under unprecedented pressure”, Minister Shatter said. 8,344 persons have been arrested and 4,755 charged under Operation Fiacla to end February 2014. “These latest crime figures are a testament to the determination of An Garda Síochána, as well as to the effectiveness of the targeted approach being adopted.”

The overall homicide number has increased by one from 79 to 80, although it remains considerably lower than it was a number of years ago (the number of homicides was 132 in 2007). The category of homicide under the CSO statistics includes murder and manslaughter offences, as well as dangerous driving leading to death. While there has been a reduction in murder and manslaughter offences, the figure for dangerous driving leading to death increased in 2013, consistent with the worrying increase in the overall number of road deaths last year. The Minister repeated his call for continued vigilance by all road users, saying “Everyone needs to make the greatest possible effort to keep our roads safe, but this need not be difficult. Slowing down, wearing your seatbelt, not using your mobile phone while driving, and being aware of other road users are all easy things to do, but will greatly help in reducing the number of deaths and serious injuries on the roads.”

Crimes affecting quality of life in the community continued to fall, including public order offences (down 7,483 or 17.1%), assaults, threats and harassment (down 1,374 or 8.7%) and damage to property (down 3,482 or 10.7%). “This type of crime, and anti-social behaviour generally, has the potential to impact greatly on people’s lives. An Garda Síochána rightly places great emphasis on effective community policing and in identifying and targeting where these offences occur and using the wide range of legislative powers available to them to respond effectively, and this is evident from these latest statistics.”

While fraud offences and robbery were both down (by 806 and 5 cases respectively), the number of theft offences increased (up 2,552 or 3.3%). This trend is being addressed by means of a number of targeted Garda operations combined with awareness raising and crime prevention work with the community in general and with business and retail interests.

The figures also reflected welcome reductions in controlled drug offences (down 1,047 or 6.4%) and in weapons and explosives offences, again continuing a downward trend now evident over several CSO reporting periods.

“These statistics remind us that the core mission of the An Garda Síochána is to work with and to protect and serve the community. Each of the 16,000 fewer crimes recorded in these figures represents an instance of the men and women of An Garda Síochána delivering on that mission. I would like to pay tribute to that commitment, and to the tangible reassurance it provides to the public that the real needs and concerns of communities are being listened to and addressed.”, the Minister concluded.