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Publication of Prison Development (Confirmation of Resolutions) Bill 2013

The Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Mr Alan Shatter TD, today announced the publication of the Prison Development (Confirmation of Resolutions) Bill 2013.

The purpose of this short Bill is to confirm the resolutions recently passed by the Dáil and Seanad approving the development of a new prison in Cork on a site adjacent to the existing prison.

The new prison in Cork will provide approximately 275 spaces for prisoners based on double cell occupancy. The prison will have a peak accommodation capacity for 310 prisoners but that will only be reached in emergency type circumstances. All the cells will be of a size acceptable to the Inspector of Prisons for double occupancy and will have integral toilets and showers.

Minister Shatter said, "The purpose of the new prison facility is to replace the substandard prison accommodation in Cork and, in particular, to provide a modern prison facility designed on the principle of rehabilitation and resettlement.


"The construction of a new, modern prison in Cork will eliminate the practice of prisoners having to slop out and will provide adequate and suitable accommodation for prisoners in accordance with our national and international obligations. This fit for purpose prison will also provide the infrastructure necessary for the education and rehabilitation of prisoners which in turn will enhance public safety.


"Building on the site adjacent to the existing prison will also ensure value for money for the taxpayer.


"Stage one of a two stage tender process for the construction of the new Cork prison is underway and nearing completion. Subject to development consent being received from the Oireachtas, it is expected that the construction of the new prison will commence in October 2013 and be completed in early 2016."


Minister Shatter added, "As action is urgently required to address the chronic overcrowding and inadequate conditions in Cork Prison, I am keen for the Bill to be passed by both Houses before the summer recess so that tendering for the construction of the new prison can proceed."

The Prison Development (Confirmation of Resolutions) Bill 2013 is available on the Houses of the Oireachtas website:

24 June 2013



Note for Editors

Development consent for the proposed new prison development in Cork is being sought under Part 4 of the Prisons Act 2007, which sets out a special planning procedure for major prison developments that applies if the Minister for Justice and Equality so directs.

The 2007 Act provides an open and transparent mechanism for major prison developments under which an environmental impact assessment meeting EU standards must be prepared and where the Houses of the Oireachtas make the decision whether to grant development consent. In June 2012, the Minister issued a direction (S.I. No. 240 of 2012) that Part 4 of the 2007 Act is to apply to the proposed prison development in Cork.

Under section 26 of the Prisons Act 2007, the development can only proceed on foot of a resolution approved by both Houses of the Oireachtas and confirmed by an Act of the Oireachtas. A resolution approving the proposed Cork prison development was passed by the Dáil and Seanad on Tuesday 18 June.

As required by the Prisons Act 2007, the resolution lists the main measures taken to avoid, reduce or offset any possible significant adverse effects of the development on the environment. It also sets out the conditions that are to be complied with in the construction of the prison. The resolution also makes provision for the reduction of the height of the perimeter wall around the horticultural area at the northern end of the site. This alteration addresses a specific concern regarding the impact of the proposed development on residential property adjacent to the site.

The Prison Development (Confirmation of Resolutions) Bill 2013 will provide the required confirmation of the Dáil and Seanad resolutions.

The central provision of the Bill is section 1, which provides that the resolutions approving of the development of a prison located on a portion of the site used as Cork Prison, in the townland of Rathmore and city of Cork, as passed by Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann on 18 June 2013 are confirmed.