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The Government Chief Whip, Minister Paul Kehoe T.D., today announced the Government’s Legislative Programme for the Summer 2013 Parliamentary session.

Speaking after today’s Cabinet meeting which approved the Legislative Programme Minister Kehoe said:

“The Legislative Agenda approved by Cabinet this morning confirms that the Government’s legislative focus between now and when the Dáil rises for the Summer in late July will prioritise a number of reforming Bills that are legally both technical and complex. These Bills have been the focus of important and time consuming work within Departments and by the Attorney General’s drafters over the first months of this year and are now approaching the stage where they can be published.”

“Among the Bills due to be published over the next three months or so are a number that have required complex policy issues to be addressed at a Departmental level and detailed legal drafting from the Attorney General’s office. These Bills will result in major regulatory changes in areas as diverse as the use of our Natural Resources, our Local Government structure and our system of dealing with workplace relations. New legislation will also be published for protection of maternal life, to enhance Freedom of Information and safeguard the disclosure if information in the public interest.”

“Some of the significant Bills to be published this term include:

Child & Family Support Agency Bill,

Mineral Development Bill,

Local Government Bill,

Protection of Maternal Life Bill,

Consumer & Competition Bill,

Employment Permits Bill,

Workplace Relations Bill,

Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Bill,

Freedom of Information Bill,

Houses of the Oireachtas (Inquiries, Privilege & Procedures) Bill,

Protected Disclosures in the Public Interest Bill

Social Welfare & Pensions Bill.”

“This Dáil term will also see the publication of a Bill preparing for a referendum on the abolition of the Seanad, meeting a Programme for Government commitment”

“Running along side the larger Bills a number of Bills will be published over the coming months designed to reform the law in specific areas.

The Forestry Bill is designed to develop the forestry sector and focus on sustainable forestry management and environment protection.

The Betting (Amendment) Bill will reform the area of bookmakers and betting.

The County Enterprise Boards (Dissolution) Bill will dissolve County Enterprise Boards and transfer their functions to Enterprise Ireland.

The Fines (Amendment) Bill will reform our system of imposing fines to make it more efficient.

The Road Traffic Bill will introduce a number of new road traffic measures.