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Publication of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform’s Statement of Strategy 2016-2019

The new Statement of Strategy (2016-2019) of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform has been published today, and is available here. The Statement of Strategy sets out an ambitious programme of work agreed between the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Paschal Donohoe, T.D., and the Secretary General, Robert Watt, which will build on the Department’s significant achievements of recent years.
The Department’s mission continues to be to serve the public interest by supporting the delivery of well-managed, well-targeted and sustainable public spending through modernised, effective and accountable public services.

The Minister stated that implementing a sustainable public expenditure framework ‘will help to ensure a strong economy, which will allow us to deliver the fair society we all want, as set out in the Programme for a Partnership Government’. He added that his Department’s role in driving and enabling reform would “ensure that public services are delivered in the most effective and efficient way possible, through transparent and accountable structures.”

Secretary General Robert Watt said that the Statement of Strategy “outlines a clear and ambitious path for the Department for the next three years. We plan to maintain a sustainable public expenditure framework and continue to lead the Public Service Reform programme, including initiatives to use data and technology to transform how government delivers its services.”

An annual Progress Report will be published on the implementation of the Strategy, which will also guide the Department’s business planning, resource allocation and risk management processes.