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Remarks to the Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality by Ms Frances Fitzgerald, TD, Minister for Justice and Equality on the motion seeking approval of the draft Order establishing the Commission of Investigation into the fatal shooting of Ronan Mac Lochlainn by members of the Garda Síochána in the course of an armed robbery in Ashford, Co. Wicklow in May 1998 - 16 July 2014

Establishment of a Commission of Investigation into the fatal shooting of

Ronan Mac Lochlainn by members of the Garda Síochána in the course of an

armed robbery in Ashford, Co. Wicklow in May 1998

Remarks to the Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality by Ms Frances

Fitzgerald, TD, Minister for Justice and Equality on the motion seeking

approval of the draft Order establishing the Commission.

16 July 2014


At its meeting on 1 July, the Government decided that matters relating to

the fatal shooting of Ronan MacLochlainn in Ashford, County Wicklow, in May

1998 are of significant public concern. The Government also agreed to the

processes relating to establishment of the Commission as defined in the

Commissions of Investigation Act, 2004 in relation to this matter,

including the bringing of a resolution before the Houses of the Oireachtas.

In 2010, the partner of Ronan MacLochlainn, Ms. Gráinne Nic Gibb, took a

case against Ireland under the European Convention on Human Rights alleging

a failure on the part of the State to carry out an effective official

investigation into this fatal shooting in accordance with the terms of

Article 2 of the Convention.

During friendly settlement negotiations on the case, a Commission of

Investigation was proposed as a means of ensuring the State’s compliance

with the Convention in this matter. The settlement negotiations did not

reach a satisfactory conclusion. Instead, in a Unilateral Declaration which

was submitted to the European Court under Article 62(A) of the Convention,

Ireland admitted to a technical breach of the Convention in this instance

and, by way of a remedy, offered to conduct a Commission of Investigation

into the fatal shooting. In return, the Court was asked to strike out the


In its decision of 25 March 2014, the Court struck out the case on the

basis that a Commission of Investigation would meet Ireland’s obligations

under the Convention in this matter. Having regard to the outcome of this

case, and with the approval of the Minister for Public Expenditure and

Reform, I proposed to Government that a Commission of Investigation be

established and the Government has agreed to this proposal. I must

emphasise that, without prejudice to the work of the Commission of

Investigation, its establishment relates to a failure of process on the

part of the State into this fatal shooting.

The draft Order specifies me as the Minister for Justice and Equality as

the Minister responsible for overseeing administrative matters relating to

the establishment of the Commission, for receiving its reports and for

performing any other functions given to the Minister under the Act. It also

authorises me to set the Commission’s terms of reference. I have arranged

for the terms of reference to be provided to the members of this Committee.

As provided for in section 5(2) of the 2004 Act, the terms of reference of

the commission will be published in Iris Oifigiúil.

The draft Order also authorises me to appoint the member or members of the

Commission. I have nominated an experienced criminal lawyer to act as the

sole member of the Commission and to enquire into the following matters:

1. The circumstances surrounding the fatal shooting by An Garda

Síochána of Ronan MacLochlainn on 1 May 1998 in Ashford, Co Wicklow.

2. All relevant Garda matters including the policies, practices and

procedure of An Garda Síochána relating to the planning and control of

the operation which led to the fatal shooting, and relating to

training provided to personnel who were detailed for the Garda

operation concerned.

The terms of reference provide that the Commission shall keep Ms Gráinne

Nic Gibb, the Applicant in the case to the European Court of Human Rights,

involved in the investigation to the extent necessary to safeguard her

legitimate interests.

As the members are aware, the conduct of the Commission of Investigation is

a matter for the sole member appointed to run the Commission. Essentially,

the task of the Commission is to decide whether the use of force by the

Garda Síochána in this instance was proportionate.

It is envisaged that the Commission will report in 6 months. Based on this

time frame and excluding third party costs, the overall cost of this

Commission of Investigation is estimated to be in the region of €350,000.

In accordance with the provision of the 2004 Act, following consultation

with the Commission and with the consent of the Minister for Public

Expenditure and Reform, I will have guidelines prepared on the payment of

legal costs and other expenses to persons who become involved with the


In conclusion, arising from the outcome of the case to the European Court

of Human Rights, it is now necessary to proceed to establish a Commission

of Investigation into this fatal shooting. In accordance with the

provision at section 3(2) of the Commissions of Investigation Act 2004, the

approval of both Houses for the draft Order is required. Accordingly, I

would be grateful for the support of this Committee for the resolution

which is currently before it.


Proposed terms of reference for a Commission of Investigation pursuant to

the Commissions of Investigation Act 2004 into the shooting of Ronan

MacLochlainn in 1998

The Minister for Justice and Equality, mindful of the State’s obligations

to conduct an effective official investigation into all deaths arising from

the use of force by agents of the State (which obligation devolves from

Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights as developed in the

relevant case-law of the European Court of Human Rights) will appoint a

Senior Counsel to undertake a thorough investigation and make a report

within 6 months in accordance with the provisions of s. 32 of the

Commissions of Investigation Act (No. 23) 2004 on the following specific


1. The circumstances surrounding the fatal shooting by An Garda Síochána of

Ronan MacLochlainn on 1 May 1998 in Ashford, Co Wicklow.

2. All relevant Garda matters including the policies, practices and

procedure of An Garda Síochána relating to the planning and control of the

operation which led to the fatal shooting, and relating to training

provided to personnel who were detailed for the Garda operation concerned.

The Commission shall keep Ms Gráinne NicGibb involved in the investigation

to the extent necessary to safeguard her legitimate interests.