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Rent freeze and eviction moratorium to be extended until August 1st


New legislation will be brought before the Dáil to provide greater protections to tenants


Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien has confirmed today (20 July, 2020) that the rent freeze and eviction moratorium will be extended until August 1st.


The Minister said,

Following detailed discussions with the Attorney General and his office I have been advised that the need to restrict the movement of persons is increasingly at variance with the relaxations provided for in the roadmap for reopening society and business.


I have obviously taken this advice on board and recommended a short extension under the existing emergency legislation to afford me the time to bring forward robust legislation that will provide real protection to tenants and property owners alike.


The rent freeze and eviction moratorium were brought in under emergency legislation targeting all tenancies regardless of individual tenants’ circumstances. It is well known that they could not be extended indefinitely so it is important we have strong legislation, which combines targeting those who are most vulnerable with longer term measures to address rent arrears, in place prior to the Dáil recess. This legislation will be brought to cabinet on Thursday.


I have said previously that any person who has lost their job as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and is struggling to pay their rent may be eligible to apply for the rent supplement and I would encourage them to do so. 


As outlined in the Programme for Government improving the standards, security and affordability for all renters is a key priority for this Government and is something I am totally committed to,”

he concluded.