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Report on Thornton Hall Prison Project Published

Alan Shatter TD, Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, today

published the Thornton Hall Review Group Report. The Minister confirmed

that on Tuesday the Government approved in principle the Report’s


Minister Shatter said “I very much welcome the Government’s decision to

accept, in principle, the recommendations detailed in the Report. The

timeframe for the Thornton Hall and Kilworth Prisons projects as outlined

in the Report will be discussed in the Autumn in the context of the

Government’s discussions on capital spending priorities for 2012.”

The Review Group’s view is that decisive action is required on several

fronts to address the problem of overcrowding and poor physical conditions,

particularly in Mountjoy and Cork Prisons. It stresses the need to improve

prison regimes and conditions and to provide in-cell sanitation. It

recommends: [1] that a new prison with 300 cells capable of accommodating

500 prisoners be developed at Thornton Hall, and [2] that Cork Prison be

closed at the earliest possible opportunity and a new prison developed at

Kilworth, Co Cork, with 200 cells capable of accommodating up to 350

prisoners. The Report also recommends that each site should have secure,

step-down accommodation inside the prison walls effectively providing an

open centre regime within a secure perimeter. Thornton Hall should have 20

step-down facilities capable of accommodating up to 200 prisoners, and

Kilworth should have 15 step-down facilities capable of accommodating up to

150 prisoners. The Minister stated: “Taking this step would enable prison

authorities to give greater operational effect to the ‘principle of

progression’ in the penal system. This objective requires managing safely

and purposefully the transition of offenders from committal to a prison

cell to eventual release into the community. The proposed prison complexes

will allow the prison authorities to create incentivised prison regimes to

allow offenders progress through the system in a way that helps their

eventual reintegration into society. This recognises in a practical way

that reintegration of offenders into society is one of the core functions

of the prison system.”

While acknowledging the difficult economic and financial constraints facing

the country, the Minister said that he was acutely conscious that in recent

years prisoner numbers and the numbers on temporary release have increased

dramatically. On Friday 22 July 2011, a total of 5,479 prisoners were in

the prison system, and the number of prisoners on temporary release owing

to cell incapacity was 612. The Minister said: “Although overcrowding

cannot be resolved overnight, it is imperative that we take reasonable and

practical steps to alleviate the pressures on capacity within our prison


The Minister agrees with the Review Group’s view that prison overcrowding

cannot be solved solely by building more prisons and that further steps are

required to reduce the prisoner population. The Report recommends a

combination of front-door and back-door strategies to reduce the prison

population. The front-door strategy would involve giving the courts the

power to impose a wider range of non-custodial sanctions. The back-door

strategy would involve an incentivised scheme for early temporary release

coupled with a requirement to do community service under supervision in

order to “pay back” the community. Another recommendation includes the

introduction of a home detention system in appropriate cases.

The Minister strongly welcomed the Group's recommendations on non-custodial

sanctions, stating that: ‘The Government has already achieved much progress

in this area. The greater use of community service involves, for example,

the development of a pilot scheme under which offenders may be offered

earned, earlier release in return for community service. This should come

on stream in the autumn. The Criminal Justice (Community Service)

(Amendment) (No 2) Bill has completed its passage through the Houses of the

Oireachtas and will shortly become law. The Bill requires judges to

consider community service as an option where a sentence of up to 12 months

is being considered. The Fines Act 2010 also introduced measures to prevent

the automatic imprisonment of fine defaulters. Measures which will allow

the recovery of fines by means of attachment of earnings orders are

currently being prepared.’

The Review Group also recommends a strategic review of all aspects of penal

policy, the establishment of an inter-departmental group to examine the

issue of people with mental illness who have been sentenced by the courts

and transitional arrangements for the management of 16 and 17 year olds in

St Patrick’s Institution pending the construction of new juvenile detention

facilities in Oberstown.

Thanking the Review Group for providing its comprehensive report within a

very short time, the Minister said, ‘The recommendations detailed in this

Report will, in the years ahead, make a positive contribution to the

development of penal policy in this country.’

The Thornton Hall Report is available on the Department of Justice and

Equality website at

Independent oversight of the prison system is strengthened; the Prisons

Authority (Interim) Board is abolished

The Minister also announced that, on Tuesday 26th July, the Government

decided to abolish the Prisons Authority (Interim) Board, which was set up

in 1998. The Board, which has a membership of 12 people, was set up by a

previous administration to advise on and guide the management of the prison

system pending the creation of an independent statutory Prisons Board. But

no statutory Board was ever established.

The Board made a valuable contribution to the creation of the Irish Prison

Service as a separate agency. On foot of its commitment to ‘More Effective

Financial Scrutiny’ in the Programme for National Recovery, the

Government’s policy is to abolish agency boards where appropriate and to

make agency managers directly accountable to Ministers. In line with this

policy, the Government can see no case for keeping the board in existence.

The Minister points out that the Irish Prison Service, under its Director

General, is already directly accountable to him. The decision to abolish

the Board will save more than €100,000 per year. The Minister said; ‘The

Government is grateful to the members of the Board and its chairperson, Mr

Brian McCarthy, for their valued, dedicated and solidly constructive public

service over the years.’

The Minister proposes to put a stronger spine of independence into the

oversight of the prison system. The Prisons Act 2007 provides for an

independent Inspector of Prisons. The Minister stated: ‘The Inspector of

Prisons has independently and robustly tackled the issue of poor conditions

in our older prisons. This has involved inspecting prisons, a retrospective

exercise in each case. But his role has a vital prospective component: he

has produced human-rights-based statements of principle that define the

requirements of a safe, decent and effective custodial system. In other

words, he is addressing himself not only to what is being done but also to

what should be done and this proposal to expand the Inspector’s role will

enhance his independent oversight of the prison system.’

The Minister says that two things in particular need noting: [1] Under the

proposed arrangements, Visiting Committees will submit their Annual Reports

to the Inspector of Prisons who will publish them. At present the Annual

Prison Visiting Committee Reports are submitted to the Minister. Visiting

Committees will report every two months to the Inspector on any issue that

they wish to bring to his attention. They will be able to report any urgent

or major issue to him at any time. [2] Visiting Committees will continue

their role of visiting prisons. They will continue to meet with prisoners

and liaise on their behalf with prison authorities. But they will be more

effective: each Visiting Committee will comprise no more than six members,

and only suitable people with appropriate qualifications and a genuine

interest in prison issues will be appointed. The Inspector will have

independent oversight of their work.


Note for Editors:

Financial information that is commercially sensitive has been redacted from

the published version of the Thornton Hall Report.

The members of the Review Group were:-

· Mr Brendan Murtagh, Chairperson, - a Partner in LHM Casey

McGrath Chartered Certified Accountants;

· Ms Catherine McGuinness – former Judge of the Supreme Court,

and former President of the Law Reform Commission.

· Mr Brian Purcell, Director General, Irish Prison Service; and

· Mr Tom Cooney - Special Adviser to the Minister;