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Response by Minister for the Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht to interview by Mr. Luke Ming Flanagan on Morning Ireland today

Minister for the Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. Jimmy Deenihan TD responding to comments made by Mr. Luke Ming Flanagan TD this morning (9 February, 2012), stated that his Department was working actively on the ground to accommodate people who wished to relocate from designated SAC raised bogs.

His Department had already signed legal contracts with individuals on 3 bogs in Galway and Offaly to move to undesignated bogs which are being, or will be, prepared for cutting. Officials from his Department are working with many other communities to see how best relocation can be accommodated while ensuring that Ireland complies with its legal obligations.

In relation to funding the Minister confirmed that he had secured additional funding this year for the purposes of facilitating relocation, as Government considered this issue to be a priority.

His Department had in recent weeks put advertisements in local papers seeking expressions of interest from those who may wish to sell or lease land to his Department for the purposes of relocation.

He has also provided compensation for those who would prefer to take compensation. Many of the 650 people who have been in contact with his Department have expressed an interest in availing of the compensation package.

In addition, his Department is prepared to provide free turf or compensation to people while relocation bogs are being identified and prepared for cutting. The measure in the Finance Bill to ensure that compensation does not give rise to a taxation liability show that the Government is prepared to address real concerns where these arise.

The Minister notes that the Turf Cutters and Contractors Association has promised to put forward its own proposals and would urge it to do so at the earliest possible time so that his Department and all turf cutting interests can work together to resolve the turf cutting issues and to ensure that Ireland avoids financial and reputational damage by being brought to Court arising from past failures on this issue.