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RSA Presented with NSAI Accreditation by An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD

The Road Safety Authority (RSA) today Monday 27th February 2012 welcomed An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD to their Headquarters in Ballina, Co. Mayo for a ceremony to mark the awarding of Quality, Environmental, and Health and Safety Management System certification to the RSA. The certifications recognise the efforts of the RSA to improve the efficiency, environmental performance and health and safety of the organisation. An Taoiseach also dedicated two meeting rooms in memory of two members of RSA staff who died tragically.

Speaking at the ceremony, An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD said: "It is with great pleasure that I am here today to present these certificates to the Road Safety Authority. These certificates are a tribute to the hard work of the Board, Management and staff of the RSA to receive this important accreditation. As the RSA faces into the future, in dealing with the public and with other state and non state entities, awards such as these show that it can measure up with best national and international practices."

The Taoiseach was greeted by Gay Byrne, Chairman, RSA, Noel Brett, Chief Executive, RSA and Maurice Buckley, CEO, NSAI.

Mr. Gay Byrne, Chairman, RSA said: “We are delighted to welcome An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD to the RSA Offices here in Ballina. It gives us a great opportunity to recognise the excellent work that was done by RSA employees to receive these awards and will contribute to our goal of providing best value for money whilst providing the highest possible of service to our customers.”

The certifications awarded to the RSA are the Quality Management System ISO 9001, Environmental Management Systems ISO 14001 and Health and Safety Management Systems OHSAS 18001.

Mr. Maurice Buckley, Chief Executive, NSAI said: “The general public are acutely aware of the life-saving driver and pedestrian activities that the RSA undertake on a daily basis. The commitment they have to improving these activities is, I believe, reflected today in the awarding of these Quality, Environmental, and Health and Safety Management standards. They clearly demonstrate that the RSA is operating to best international practices and standards, while responding to the ever changing needs of the organisation. The RSA is the first public sector body to be certified to these three standards simultaneously and in doing so are making assurances to their staff and to their users that they are firmly committed to making real differences in the way the organisation thinks and operates, as well as spending public money wisely and in an efficient manner.”